Thanks to inflation and skyrocketing cheese costs, hundreds of sixteen-year-olds are approaching death from starvation at the L.E.S. Park as you read this. R.I.P. New York Skateboarding 1993 — 2014. It was a fun 21 years :( Photo via @stillweii on Instagram.
Week late, yeah, and yes, “real hip-hop” music supervision is making the entire QS office want to only listen to Migos until the end of human history, but the new GX1000 clip is a New York montage of the year contender. It has everything: Jake, Aaron Herrington, lines in building lobbies, tricks on two-second bust spots, Brendan Carroll finding two new ways to skate Union Square, and near-death experiences.
FYI if you need to watch Jake’s Montreal wallride on loop…
“Nobody naturally skates like Dylan Rieder, not even Dylan Rieder.” With skateboarding’s renewed emphasis on post-land poses, Muckmouth put together a compilation of “Storks” A.K.A. one-foot rollaways. Yes, Gino is obviously the king. (They’re not completely extint…Ishod slips out of a chill switch one in this clip.)
New Anthony Correa footage at the ~20:30 mark of this Houston video.
Man, this incarnation of Girl and Chocolate was incredible — just thank the heavens that the jump-cut era of skate video editing got phased out by 2004. Have you tried watching The Reason lately? It’s seizure-inducing.
Lamenting the demise of slam sections in skate videos. Didn’t they just get renamed to “fail comps” and move to YouTube? …and what person 25+ needs more reasons to get discouraged from skateboarding? Parkour slams are way better anyway.
An indoor park clip that’s actually fun to watch! Last line is intense.
A teaser for Bleach, a new video by Paul Young, who made Nevermind. Features many Bronze 2.5 affiliates.
Skateboarders riding first class to the literary establishment’s innermost sanctums, plus some reviews of books pertinent to the act of riding a skateboard. “cherry” is apparently a work of literature? And David Foster Wallace is a narc.
Omg German engineering.
Steven Cales calls into the last episode of Skate Wise.
Quote of the Week: “Is bae a thot?” — Dave Dowd
New PWBC news clip in a few hours ;)