Lebron to Bianca Chandon?

carroll ramp

Some guy. Photo by Ben Colen via the Crailtap Instagram.

Jake Johnson’s Static IV part.

How many tries do you think this took?

Uploaded a standalone YouTube version of Carroll and Howard’s parts from the Tennyson Corporation’s Chocolate Tour 2000 remix video. Watch the full thing here.

*New Rick Howard footage alert*

Zered has a rad new black and white cruiser clip for Converse, put together by Richard Quintero. See if you can spot the cameo from another New Englander.

Summer’s basically over, but we’re still six weeks away from Labor Day, so Ripped Laces compiled a #listicle of the ten greatest tricks ever done in an all-white outfit. #s 10-6 & #s 5-1. No debate about the #1, but Andre Page did make a gallon of Kool Aid in an all-white outfit at the TF this past weekend. Not sure if that counts…

America Sucks for Skateboarding — Example #578. (Seaport 5.0 is reknobbed btw.)

More Seinfeld-themed skate videos: Sack Lunch, out of Boston. “So do you think they got shrunk down, or is it just a giant sack?”

Muska wearing #drk #fshn and killing a demo out in London. “Raf Simons, Rick Owens Supra Skytops usually what I’m dressed in.” Tell O’Dell we want that Epicly Later’d.

With Transworld being 1/4 the size it was ten years ago, Boil the Ocean weighs in on skateboard media’s drift away from the printed page.

Clark Hassler has a bit of New York footage in the Coma Backpacks promo. (JanSport Skate coming soon?) His section begins around the 6:30 mark. The ender (around the corner from Beatrice! R.I.P!) is definitely a Kickflip of the Year contender, especially given 2013 title-holder Brandon Westgate’s quiet year so far.

Lurker Lou is having a show for his Card Boards project at 2nd Nature in Bushwick (257 Varet Street) on Saturday, July 19. Flyer here. All boards will be for sale.

Hey Kingpin, you may have to amend your “Afterbang” listicle to include this.

DJ Khaled — Suffering from Success. And skateboarding. And cheeseburgers:

Taking cues from Forrest Gump’s corrective leg braces to create the cure for mongo.

Sack taps?

Yo call Corey Rubin, we out to skate Brad and Angelina’s house.

Congrats to Jasmine & Mike on the birth of Winn ♥ ♥ ♥

Waka Flocka Wal-Mart Board

Slim Thug skates now (someone forward him this Nick Panza part) and Waka Flocka seems to have inked an endorsement deal with Wal-Mart skateboards, or at least borrowed the services of their art department. Any excuse to remind people about this song is fine.

For the first time in over a year, there is a box at Tompkins, thanks to the good people at Labor Skate Shop. It has two height levels and has been painted forrest green in hopes of diverting the Parks Department from tossing it. Insiders predict it will last until Thursday. Supposedly, it’s already in bits and pieces.

Here’s a cell phone / bro cam clip from the Palace Skateboards crew. Includes Torey Goodall and Shawn Powers appearances. Southbank looks fun.

Space Heater is a sequel to “the video called ‘video.'” A ton of cutty New York spots, yet another joint cameo from Loose Trucks Max and Corey Rubin, and a good Pete Rock sample source. Filmed in New York this past summer and fall.

The Chrome Ball Incident has a collection of Girl and Chocolate ads promoting past video projects in honor of Pretty Sweet.

“Can I get a chili crunch dog with onions, tomato, lettuce, pickle, jalapeño, shish ka-bob, with apple turnover.” The Berrics has an “Off the Grind” segment with Clark Hassler skating around downtown Manhattan. There’s also another interview segment with him where he skates a few NJ/NY spots and talks about what his first pro board graphic would hypothetically be.

Jenkem Mag interviewed Dennis Busenitz about almost dying, energy drinks, etc.

Dudes are still skating Seaport with the knobs on. What is a more indispensable aspect of New York skateboarding: wallrides / wallies / no-complys or Big L music supervision in web clips?

A certain bank spot outside of New York will likely soon be demolished. The city is building a road through the apartments, and the banks look like they’re next to fall victim to construction. (The other section of the spot probably won’t be affected.)

Worst Video has a lot of solid New York footage in it.

New York Magazine wrote a detailed account of why G. Dep turned himself in for second degree murder two years ago. Good read.

Quote of the Week:

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: The guys who own Nets.com (i.e. not the Brooklyn Nets) having the domain name forward to the Knicks’ all-star ballot.

Hostess, a second cousin of Little Debbie’s quarter snacks family, will be going out of business. R.I.P. How is Table Talk (the 50¢ pie company) still in business?