Tres Trill: Palace in Normandy

In 1995, Kareem Campbell checked his pager while skating across a Los Angeles street. Throughout the golden age of Love Park, Stevie and Kalis often shouted each other out and engaged in conversations with their filmer mid-line. More recently, Phil Rodriguez kicked a soccer ball prior to doing an ollie on a turtle shell. These moments have gained infamy in the annals of skateboard video tapes and YouTube pages. And we’re still very much concerned with them today.

So one is left to wonder: Where will Chewy Cannon’s sequence of copping a sack, backside 5050ing down a kinked hubba ledge, and doing a nollie half cab flip on flat rank among the mid-line nuances most-noted by skate nerds?

Unable to track down Keith Nut and commission a 2011 update of his “Most Disturbing Rap Lyric of All Time” title-holder, as was used in their last clip, Palace was left to settle on New York’s modern purveyor of all things “trill,” and his song that may or may not be about their company. Additional music supervision is provided by Lil’ Wayne in his days of being more concerned with rapping well than learning how to skateboard.

The video was filmed over the course of four days in Normandy, a region that has not received much burn throughout French-set skateboard endeavors, at least when compared to Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, etc. The place looks covered with cool-looking spots and architecture though. The DVD of this is out there, you just might need to be in Europe to acquire it. Here’s the official web version.

Monday links will return on Tuesday. It’s going to be in the sixties for two more days, so you should probably go out and skate if you don’t have real life obligations.