Bronze in King Shit Issue 5.4

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In a comment discussing “unsolicited suggestions” for Quartersnacks, someone recommended a “focus on the Bronze creative process.” Lucky for the commenter, a Canadian skateboard magazine put a lens on New York’s finest skateboard video franchise, in a feature named after a 1980s TV-themed Canadian science fiction classic. (Canadians make movies besides Green Apple videos?)

Issue 5.4 of King Shit is now available online in its entirety, and features a quick interview with Vine M.V.P., Peter Sidlauskas. Him and Pat have a more extensive one in the last issue of Dank, but they’re old fashioned and you’re actually going to have to track down a physical copy to read it.

Want another “crazy Shawn Powers story,” beyond the famous BB gun incident? One time at a rave after-party in Berlin (yes, the concept of a “rave after-party” was new to all non-Germans present), he was, let’s say “on one,” and dancing near the DJ booth. Little did the majority of people there know, the electricity for the entire place was run through a single, gigantic power strip and socket, conveniently situated behind that very same DJ booth. Well, he knocked it out of the wall on accident, leaving the entire place in utter darkness and silence.

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Bronze ‘Solo Jazz’ is Now Online

bronze solo jazz

Monday links are getting postponed until tomorrow because the Bronze video is online and it deserves its own post.

The most beloved New York City video franchise is back with its latest installment. Solo Jazz features many new names making their first-time, full-length appearance in a Bronze production: Dick Rizzo, Josh Wilson, Aaron Herrington and Jason Carroll. Though they may dilute the collective’s deep Queens origins, their skateboard abilities only add to the excellence of this six (arguably eight) film franchise. Mainstays like Shawn Powers, Kevin Tierney, Derick Zeimkiewicz, Joseph Delgado, and Billy McFeely came through with wonderful sections, despite prior commitments that range from sponsorships to Polish espionage. Fan favorite, Phil Rodriguez, was sorely missed due to injury, and longtime followers of the franchise were surely shocked to learn that Solo Jazz has the unfortunate distinction of being the first Bronze video where Xavier Veal does not show up and at least 5050 some large handrail :(

Buy some Bronze tees and a hard copy of the video to support funding for the upcoming Billy Lynch documentary.

P.S. Johnny Wilson’s new project, Beef Patty, premiered the other night and it was really, really good. Loose Trucks Max has the ender. Hopefully, it makes its way online soon.

P.P.S. Colin Read’s new video, Tengu, premieres at the Sunshine Theater (Forsyth and Houston, where the Pretty Sweet premiere was) on Thursday, August 29th. Doors open at 8:30. Flyer here. So, there’s the potential of there being three great New York-based projects available in a week’s span. Looks like a solid end of the summer.

Previously: 56k, Caviar, Sognar

Solo Jazz & Cathode Premiere Info



Two new videos are premiering this week, one of which is by a Top 5 living filmmaker. The other narrowly escaped Outdated status in terms of “Yo, next month”-proclamations. Won’t be able to make either of them due to the fact that they are currently an ocean away, but everyone is advised to attend. The Cathode premiere is 21+, Bronze is all ages. Kudos to all parties involved for going the length in organizing Manhattan-based premieres. Get Peter’s autograph if you see him.

Breakfast at Tompkins

breakfast at tompkins

QS tees are now available at Supreme London and Los Angeles, in addition to Orchard Skateshop in Boston. Supreme London should have Alltimers RiRi and Lambo cruisers in now, and Los Angeles should be getting them soon.

Okay, before anything else: Several days ago, the guy who stands in Times Square with the “I Need Money for Weed” sign stabbed the guy who stands in Times Square with the “I Need Beer” sign with a pen….and the guys who dress up as Alien and Predator for tourist photo-ops were called in as witnesses.

The new Bronze video, Solo Jazz, comes out this August, as per their Facebook. Check the teaser from a few months back in case you missed it.

Also in the realm of hardware, our homie Jonah Miller started a hardware company out of Portland called Bolts, which is particularly tailored to people who double as skateboarder AND gambler degenerates. Check out the site at, follow them on IG, and check the intro clip here. Stay tuned for more.

The new Tony Carr part is fun and “creative” without trying too hard. Dude rips.

With the expected demise of Vine, the Dobbin Block crew wasted no time and compiled some of their collective Vine highlights into a montage.

Another entry to the growing “Summer Trip to New York 2013” cycle, filmed entirely from above on a glidecam.

The video itself seems a bit old (namely because there are spots that haven’t been around since 2008 in it), but the Shred NJ crew uploaded their 35-minute project, The Pie, on Vimeo last week.

Check out the video from last Saturday’s Bum Rush the Spot at the L.E.S. Park.

*Insert year-late joke about Alex Olson riding for Chanel here*

The new Juicy J and Weeknd video is mad #indie in a 90s crime movie sort of way.

Quote of the Week: “I wanted to be on The Real World when I was younger.” — Chief Keith “#emergingblackcelebrity” Denley

Thanks to everyone who got us to 7,000 fans on Facebook. Much appreciated.

Daylight Savings Links


Red Bottoms x Skateboarding: Vol. 2. You can tell Miley skates because her wheels are mad crusty yo.

A new teaser for Solo Jazz, the upcoming project from Bronze.

America could learn a lot from the Germans. They took hunks of granite from an old government building and used them to produce an amazing skate spot on an obsolete airfield. Imagine if all that City Hall granite actually went towards making a skate plaza for the city of Philadelphia? How many city plazas get torn out and reduced to scrap each year in the U.S? The “solution” is so simple, but gets turned into such a stupid mess because of zoning / permits / $$$ / insurance / red tape.

The Dimestore dudes made a parody of New York clips and it is incredible.

Manolo and Cliché teamed up for a J.B. Gillet “best of” edit. Dude has always been up there with Kalis in the “best flip tricks” category.

Shade is a 25-minute video by Jeremy Jordan (Todd Jordan’s brother), based out of New York [State]. Grown dudes don’t have to be pro to still rip.

This ongoing advocacy for the front of Union Square returning to its glory days is one of 2013’s most interesting developments.

“Now, the padless deep-pool and vert work of Ben Hatchell, Grant Taylor, Elijah Berle and Jaws may for the coming generation obviate pads and helmets altogether, because, when everybody’s good enough to do every trick, there is no point in falling and getting hurt.” Boil the Ocean dwells on the future of skateboard retail.

The NY Skateboarding crew re-designed their website.

Did @badgalriri teleport from the future to this party by any chance?

New bro cam clip from the PWBC fam.

Speaking of which, Palace eBay / bootleg watch: Might want to use spellcheck.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Is Brandon Knight okay?

Quote of the Week: “Pick up your pants, you criminal!” — A Parks Department security guard regarding the G Man’s sagging, oversized pants as he fled a prohibited skate spot.

2 Bros. has a breakfast menu now.