It’s Warm Again

g man

Chrome Ball came through with a sick compliation of Four Star ads from the late-nineties and early-2000s. Keenan’s switch pop shove in Australia is super chill.

After hours with Black Dave by Taji Ameen. He 5050s the top of the metal bench at Grace. The guard looked mad though…

Want more mad security guards? Quim Cardona and Billy Rohan shred around Times Square and midtown for their Berrics “Off the Grid” segment. Light wash denim is definitely making the #trendwatch.

Speaking of which, what new spot is going to #trend for this summer’s wave of pro skater visitations, now that the green ledge in Harlem is gone? Or is the stockpile of footage on it enough to keep its memory going?

Guy Mariano offers some wise advice that should be common sense, but unfortunately isn’t for a lot of people: Don’t spend your time in skateboarding bitter and resentful, especially at a young age. That “bitter at 23” shit is the worst. Also, all due respect to Guy, but it’s tough to take his observation about “Skateboarders getting smarter” seriously after skimming through the comments of the Jenkem Mag “New Alien Workshop Rider” April Fool’s video. Then again, YouTube Hella Clips comments are one of modern society’s low-points.

Parts from the Mama’s Boys video are getting uploaded one by one each week. Kevin Maillet’s is the first to go live. Cyrus Bennett and Loose Trucks Max eventually?

For whatever reason, it’s easy to forget about Organika sometimes, but their new promo is great. They literally skate trees in it.

Spot Updates: 1) That new building at Astor is going to have stuff to skate. You can also count on it being knobbed or a six-second bust. 2) With the St. Vincent’s triangle slated for demolition, the actual bank has seen better days. 3) There’s a new box at T.F. It’s high and short. The green wallie thing is almost a wrap, too.

Did we travel back to 2006? Papoose’s album seriously just came out. Though the infamous “WorstPapoose” Tumblr got deleted, you can find the archive here. The stakes is high like the top shelf in the meat market.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Easy. J.R. Smith off Felton’s fumble with two seconds left. Is it too early to start getting scared about some team offering J.R. a better contract next season and him passing on his $2.8M option with the Knicks?

Quote of the Week: “Who goes on a date on a Saturday afternoon? Dates are for rainy days and nighttime.” — Sweet Waste

Thanks to everyone who linked the Eli edit. Enjoy this wonderful week.

Let Me Ride: Fall New York Montage

Conceptually speaking, this is the best trick of 2012.

If you need some incentive to layer up and go skating despite plummeting temperatures, Taji Ameen just put together a sick fall clip for Acapulco Gold. Features Leo Gutman (forever one of the best low-key skaters in New York), Billy Rohan, and a grip of other people, including the kid above who, uh, dropped in off a basketball hoop. Every year, people complain about how the NBA All-Star Weekend’s basketball game progressively gets worse (everything has more or less already been done.) How about getting this dude involved? Skateboarding’s mad trendy right now. It’s a win-win. Paul George is even skating in Foamposites, what more do you want.

Be sure to also check out Taji’s weekly photo column over at Vice.

The 10 Best Noseslides in Skateboard History

“He [Jereme Rogers A.K.A. J. Cassanova A.K.A. J.R. Blastoff] leads off this latest offering with a noseslide, the building block of modern skateboarding…Indeed, the noseslide serves as the basis for his entire repertoire. This is the main thing he has going for him in 2012. Shit is relatable; it’s still the first trick I do in any session. Dude also does a lot of switch tailslides, which are, of course, an inverted mirror-image way of getting into a noseslide. And whether you are switch inward heelflipping into one or f/s switch bigspin kickflipping (or some shit like that) out of one, a noseslide is still a noseslide. His ender even incorporates two different noseslides into a three-trick ledge combo that the editors of Transworld probably hate. More importantly, as we have seen in the recent Gino x McEnroe internet video clip, noseslides are highly relevant in 2012 because most people can do them, but few can do them well.” — Frozen in Carbonite: Bookmark Me, Maybe? – 2012 Song of the Summer/Video Part of the Summer Retrospective

There is not much to be said about the obvious significance of the the ollie, kickflip and Osiris D3 in skateboarding history. But there *was* something to be said about the oft-forgotten cornerstone of skateboarding known as the noseslide, until the above paragraph conveniently took care of that two days ago. Consider this an addendum to our “30 Phattest Outfits” study. It should come as no surprise that there is an overlap between the two lists — any skater who knows how to dress, knows how to do a proper noseslide. Thanks to Sweet Waste for compiling this list.

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Shit Skateboarders Say

Sweet Waste in the world’s greatest tee shirt, and Lil’ Wayne dressed like a 12-year-old girl who just used her $100 Hot Topic gift card from Christmas at the Monmouth Mall. The Wayne coverage on QS has come full circle.

Akira Mowatt’s company, After Midnight New York, just dropped a team montage. The illustrious Geo Moya has the intro honors, so it’s a must-watch.

Portland, Maine isn’t exactly the first (or fifth…or tenth…) city you think of when it comes to skateboarding in the northeast. ’96 Mentality is a new mini-video out of Portland that gives a glimpse into their scene. It’s super well-edited, and the tricks and vibe give it a nineties feel, even though it’s all HD.

Here is the final throwaway clip from the PFP2 video, based out of that region just north of New York City and sponsored by 2nd Nature. You can watch the full first video here. P.S. “Get It On Tonite” is the far superior Montell Jordan single.

It’s sick that outer-borough (Brooklyn) kids can make a ten-minute video, all filmed in New York, but with barely any recognizable spots in it. Just goes to show you how big this city is. Watch the Slime video here. Also, this means the turnaround on someone skating to song off Rich Forever was what, one week?

Want to re-live Tompkins circa 2004? Watch this Super-8 reel. Some of it might look familiar because it was used in Lurkers 2.

Taji, Leo, Billy Rohan, and No Pants Day. Surprising that it has taken this long for someone to skate that fountain gap in front of the 42nd Street Library.

Rob Harris shares his of-the-moment jams on the DQM site. Travie, 2Chainz, Future, and a bunch of other stuff we’ve never heard of (Elvis?) is on there.

There’s not much to say about the Mark Suciu part that hasn’t already been said. (It’s scary that switch backside noseblunts down handrails just get quickly tossed in the middle of parts nowadays though.) Frozen in Carbonite makes an interesting observation though — Is everyone going to forget about it in two days? Is that really the shelf-life of a web video part these days? Do people still talk about the Dylan Reider Gravis part, the Lucas Puig TWS video, or the Torey Pudwill part from the summer?

Quote of the Week: “Autumn is fucking closed and assholes are taking pictures on iPads, the future sucks.” — Francesco Pini, Chief Officer of QS International’s Italian and Scandinavian Branches

Ok, time to watch the Knicks fall behind by thirty points in the first half, and then switch the channel to the Memphis/Chicago game. Stay warm out there. Later.

That Summer Flip Cam Wave

Photo by Jason Lecras

Threw together a bunch of cutty Flip Cam and iPhone clips that have been laying around since the end of winter, plus footage of some more recent outings. 2011 might have the worst (best?) ratio of rap songs to non-rap songs as far as music selection in Quartersnacks clips goes. So far, there has been one clip (not counting Justin White’s contribution) where the soundtrack hasn’t dealt with cars, making it rain, pimping, ice cream, inquires to “how ya do that there,” or RACKS. We’ll try our best to acknowledge another genre of music to edit skate clips to in the near future. Have a good weekend.

Features Black Dave, Ritch Swain, Ben Nazario, Corey Rubin, Shawn Powers, Kevin Tierney, Billy Mcfeely, Dennis Feliciano, Galen Dekemper, Alex, AJ, Billy Rohan, Josh Velez, and Luke Malaney. Filmed by Josh Velez. Shout out to all the bums with no footage in this.

Alternate YouTube Link: Roof missin, background pumpin’ Marvin Gaye