Conjestion Pricing

Our buddy Lui Elliott’s family lost their home in the tragic fires currently happening in Southern California. Please donate if you have the means to help them out. ❤️

The best bits of skate content from the past week are Peter Sidlauskas’ dives into skate spot lore of yesteryear, specifically spots that have fallen into the ashes of time via redevelopment: L train roof bank, the Wythe Street ledge, and of course, the Autumn Bowl.

The youngs rip, man. “Looking To Be” is a ten-minute video by Chris Argueta featuring the new gen stacking in New York. All NY clips, with Three Up Three Down continuing to endure as New York’s greatest skate spot, generation after generation.

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Five Favorite Parts With Ben Kadow

📝 Interview by Farran Golding
📷 Photo by Ben Colen for Thrasher

Five Favorite Parts is back.

If you ever wondered what possesses someone to, say, 5050 the bench on the Houston median depicted above, or boardslide the knobbed rail on Forsyth Street while everyone else is hurling themselves down the stairs — you can rest assured that the answer is a crossroad between Anthony Pappalardo and Jason Byoun ;)

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How To Make A Skate Video — ‘Johnny’s Vid,’ The New Video From Johnny Wilson

Of all the wrestling-ass malarkey that we trick ourselves into doing, anticipating the footage of tricks on magazine covers — especially Thrasher covers — occupies a special place. Like, we watch the video mentally ignoring the fact we don’t already know what the ender is going to be. Louie Lopez alluded to it in his Village Psychic thing where he made clear his attempt to ensure the cover trick wasn’t the ender, but alas, it was.

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The Best Skate Videos & Parts of 2022 — QS Readers Poll Results

Illustration by Cosme Studio
Ballot Count by 4Ply Magazine

It seems that the impossible has happened: we’ve tallied a QS Readers Poll, and there’s no Tom Knox in sight 😲😲😲

All jokes aside, beyond light output from Mr. Knox in 2022, this is perhaps the year that the multiple part approach wielded by S.O.T.Y. hopefuls began to adapt itself to people’s recollections of the past twelve months. Whereas in past years, when multiple releases tended to split the vote in clear favor of one over another, 50% of this year’s Top 20 parts are from the same five people.

Also worth noting that the point spread between slot #14 and slot #10 for single parts was four points. Maybe we introduce a runoff feature next year ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The #1 video was a landslide.

If you are just joining us, this ranking was voted on by QS readers from December 5th to December 9th ✨

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