We have posted Mr. Marshall’s “YEEEO!” on the QS IG story every Friday at midnight for about two years now. It has been a way to usher in the upcoming weekend; hearing it releases a jolt of serotonin. It means skating, friends, good times, laughs, and maybe an adult beverage or two are ahead. For at least a few proceeding seconds, you forfeit the right to be upset: “YEEEEO!”
(The clip is from Dime’s Knowing Mixtape 2 video, to answer perhaps the most-DM’d question in the QS inbox.)
But Will is more than just an announcer of good times. As you likely know, he is profoundly insane at skateboarding, and to commemorate his talents + wrap this summer season of fun, we have enlisted the services of Tyler Warren — no stranger to the curation of good times himself — to remix Will’s footage from the past two or three years.