Five Favorite Parts With Etienne Gagne

When discussing formative influences, a lot of people have a tendency to shy away from complete honesty and curate a bit too much. But if we’re being real, there are far more people whose gateways into skateboarding were Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater, EA Skate, Jackass, Life of Ryan and Rob Dyrdek than those who woke up with a Mind Field DVD under their pillow.

[Not that all Five Favorite Parts installments are exclusively about formative influences, but let’s face it, the majority are.]

E.T’s list is true to a generation defined by YouTube, skateboarding on TV, and skate DVDs plastic-wrapped with Tech Decks.

FWIW, when pressed for comment on who some of his favorite contemporaries are, he said Genesis Evans and Emile Laurent ❤️

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‘Utah, Get Me Two!’ — Andrew Allen’s Movie Matinee

🔑 Interview, Intro & Video Production by Farran Golding

Andrew Allen is practically a longstanding field of study at QS. A few years back he spoke at length about L.A. High for our “Favorite Spot” series, which was followed by a written appendix of other bank spots he has frequented. However, recurring spots are just one aspect in an output with many layers.

Although Allen’s appreciation for Kathryn Bigelow’s surf-action-heist movie, Point Break, is widely recognized, there’s an intertextuality of movie nods spanning the last decade of Allen’s career in the form of video parts, music supervision, board graphics and even a cardigan worn by Ray Liotta.

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‘Is It Obvious How Much We Love Each Other?’ — An Interview with Aaron Loreth

📝 Intro + Interview by Farran Golding
📷 Photography by Kris Burkhardt & Ryan Mettz

A sense of mystery is not a common facet of today’s professional skateboarder. However, many would be hard-pressed to say much about Aaron Loreth beyond his well-documented attention towards tight transitions and brick manual pads. With his tall figure and light touch, there’s an ethereal feel to Loreth’s skating that furthers the intrigue.

Following our conversation about West Park, the brains of Limosine’s business operation continued to satisfy curiosity by discussing cultivating a career in his hometown of Ventura, California, his day job at Hockey and co-owning a brand with Cyrus Bennett and Max Palmer — a decade on from their halcyon days when Loreth would sleep on their floor during trips to New York.

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It’s Nice To Have An Ender — An Interview With Tyler Surrey

🔑 Interview by Adam Abada
📷 Photos by Leandro Terrile & Tyler

While we have been fans of Sk8mafia since forever — as evidenced by a decade-plus of Quote of the Week installments — QS is likely not the first news source you would go to for an interview with one of San Diego’s brightest sons. But we have been Tyler Surrey fans for a long time, admiring the dude’s ability to drop video parts that feel wholly complete and thought-through, without a moment ever feeling it’s its veering into a footage dump.

Tyler’s Indy part from late last year was a QS office favorite, so we got him on the line to discuss life as a working skateboarder, evolving your eye with age, and what’s good with living in Barcelona circa 2024, er …2025.

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The Best Skate Videos & Parts of 2024 — QS Readers Poll Results

🎨 Graphic by Francesco Pini
📊 Ballot Count by 4PLY

The results are in and we have an official, publicly sourced snapshot of 2024 skateboarding, as voted on by hundreds of people. And unlike last year, when the eventual Thrasher S.O.T.Y. winner dropped a part on the day that voting closed, there were no last-minute surprises. There are some new names, and some longtime favorites who have only ranked 20-11 in the past have finally broke into the top ten ❤️

Thanks to everyone who voted, and everyone who did some writing below :)

This ranking was voted on by QS readers from December 9th to December 13th. Editors and contributors can vote, but this is not a selection curated by QS staff. If you’re interested in the methodology, 4PLY broke down how we tally the votes ✨

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