We All Knew This Day Would Come — They’re Knobbing Big Screen

Given the ups and downs that the bust at this spot has experienced over the past decade-plus, it’s a shocker this step has taken so long: as of this morning, maintenance crews have began knobbing the ledges at Big Screen.

It was supposed to get knobbed back when the building first boarded the park off in July 2020 — after the park got too wild at the start of the pandemic (there’s footage from that era where you literally see people having sex in the background of people’s lines), but then they simply …re-opened it. For years, security guards and maintenance dudes have been alluding to the fact that “something” was about to change there, so it looks like this is what they meant.

The spot first opened in the fall of 2010. Ironically, that summer just before, the Nike SB team was staying at the hotel for a P-Rod shoe launch and everyone caught a glimpse of it wrapping construction out their windows. After opening, and the bust being shockingly [slightly] less gnar than expected, Big Screen became the best ledge spot in Manhattan for 10+ years until today. Over that time, catching a session here alternated between a stroke of luck where you were grateful for thirty minutes without hassle, to borderline impossible when they got really vigilant, to European levels of openness at the start of the pandemic when it became full-on Plazacation in there. (See #6.)

Wonder if it was something that finally pushed them over the edge, or just the culmination of years of kick-outs?

As of press time, the ledges closer to the precinct are unknobbed, while some of the longer ones only have a single knob on them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Shout out to Goth Pierce for the intel.


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