‘The Same Boy I Used To Be’ — Bert’s Vid 2!

Just as Justin Helmkamp’s first Bert’s Vid served as a bro-cam bonus round to Mother and It’s Time, its sequel picks the baton up right around Bronze’s 2020 promo and Quasi’s Grand Prairie, and carries it through the pandemic.

Through a scratched-to-shit fisheye and an eighties soundtrack that makes the video play like a skateboard version of Sincerely Yours, Southside, we get treated to new parts from Mark Humienik, Nik Ferro, Chachi, Josh Wilson and Dick Rizzo that we never even knew to expect.

Highlights include Mark summoning the spirit of early 2000s Rob Welsh for one of the few documented tricks on the renovated Pace Ledge, Dick + Josh skating to “Oh Shiela,” a McFeely switch boardslide that lasts about as long as a 2021 rap song, and Chachi reminding all residents within earshot that no matter how many skate deterrents they install on the cellar door bank at Centre and Grand — somebody is gonna figure out a way to make noise on it ;)


  1. Fun video, rad dudes — How does one apprentice for the Hit You Off teamsters union?

  2. Style Matters – if you figure it out let me know. From what i’ve heard you’ve gotta be a fuckin’ good earner.

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