Quartersnacks Top 10 — May 11, 2018: A Ben Chadourne Special Edition

Been a bit slow around here on the front end of things — but we’ve had a good deal of stuff going on in the background that should bubble to the service sooner than later. There’s fifty Drought Is Over mixtapes, so we can afford to take a drought week here and there from regular programming…hopefully ♥ ;)

This week is dedicated exclusively to Ben Chadourne’s Purple video. All due respect to Yaje’s new part, the DC South America tour vid, and Tao’s new clip from Marseilles, but like the Login Lava edition that went live last September, the video is special enough to deserve its own episode.

(And even then, we couldn’t fix close to enough in there. Leave all your “What about ______?!” to yourselves.)

((Jk, you can complain in the comments all you want. Have a good weekend ya.))

Original Clips:


Previously: May 4, 2018


  1. Dog are you trippin with tha #1?

    The dudes train track Ollie was the sleeper best clip in the vid too getting no lov

  2. Idk what y’all were thinkin on this list! Ok dirty Davis’ switch Ollie shoulda been top three, and although you put all the heavy hitters in there you got the wrong clips!! Props for the Dela line tho…to each their own, video was bangin

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