You Was Just Another Ledge on the Hitlist


You better wake up and act like nothing’s wrong.

Though analytics, Facebook likes and retweets weren’t particularly in flames for our research-heavy Houston Park post, it hit where it needed to hit the most: the streets.

The ensuing weeks resulted in comments and opinions from people at bars, skate spots, and around the QS office watercooler. The influence was also felt in that three consecutive days last week were spent at Houston Park — not just on its always #ontrend slew of construction-turned-skate obstacles — but inside its cast iron perimeter. We even skated the ledge for the first time since like 2004!

Bonus Genny line because anyone who skates Three Up Three Down as a Three Down, Three Up, Three Down deserves a special nod :)

The streets’ comments on the aforementioned Houston Park post also pointed out that the best trick on the bad ledge there was actually done by Billy Rohan — an omission on our part that is as embarrassing as forgetting Geo Moya on the “Greatest Noseslides of All-Time” list. In fact, much of the best New York skateboarding of the early 2000s occurred in this forgotten Rec Shop TV promo.


DANY video dropping this April.




“I replaced the candy bars in my diet with avocados.”


  1. Airto Jackson hard flip fs nose slide in transworld feedback…. Also his line in the progression part…… Bonus Todd Jordan’s line there in static 1, that flat nollie flip

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