Breakfast at Tompkins

breakfast at tompkins

QS tees are now available at Supreme London and Los Angeles, in addition to Orchard Skateshop in Boston. Supreme London should have Alltimers RiRi and Lambo cruisers in now, and Los Angeles should be getting them soon.

Okay, before anything else: Several days ago, the guy who stands in Times Square with the “I Need Money for Weed” sign stabbed the guy who stands in Times Square with the “I Need Beer” sign with a pen….and the guys who dress up as Alien and Predator for tourist photo-ops were called in as witnesses.

The new Bronze video, Solo Jazz, comes out this August, as per their Facebook. Check the teaser from a few months back in case you missed it.

Also in the realm of hardware, our homie Jonah Miller started a hardware company out of Portland called Bolts, which is particularly tailored to people who double as skateboarder AND gambler degenerates. Check out the site at, follow them on IG, and check the intro clip here. Stay tuned for more.

The new Tony Carr part is fun and “creative” without trying too hard. Dude rips.

With the expected demise of Vine, the Dobbin Block crew wasted no time and compiled some of their collective Vine highlights into a montage.

Another entry to the growing “Summer Trip to New York 2013” cycle, filmed entirely from above on a glidecam.

The video itself seems a bit old (namely because there are spots that haven’t been around since 2008 in it), but the Shred NJ crew uploaded their 35-minute project, The Pie, on Vimeo last week.

Check out the video from last Saturday’s Bum Rush the Spot at the L.E.S. Park.

*Insert year-late joke about Alex Olson riding for Chanel here*

The new Juicy J and Weeknd video is mad #indie in a 90s crime movie sort of way.

Quote of the Week: “I wanted to be on The Real World when I was younger.” — Chief Keith Denley

Thanks to everyone who got us to 7,000 fans on Facebook. Much appreciated.


  1. On the train back from Brighton Beach on Saturday, I saw a late 30’s/early 40’s black gentelman wearing a white QS tee and an OG aNYthing hat with the Mets lettering; I freaked out and said, “hey where’d you get that shirt man?” He said, “a friend”.

    Dude was not a skater, maybe he knows that dude at the deli on Mulberry? At any rate, that was surreal as hell. I’ll have to buy finally buy one soon.

  2. Lemme tell you Snack, can’t be putting all that good food up on the screen right when I hop on the AOL in the morning! I saw that and messed my whole plan up. I had to go down to the 7-11. I been trying to eat good, what with all the organics and the Activia yogurt and whatnot. My old lady talmbout “Gotta eat smaller portions, try to eat quinoa instead of rice”. Gotdayum, I’ll try, but with all the articles y’all making it hard!

  3. Well Joe, there’s this one kid who likes white (wine bottle) shafts in his mouth that lives right near the TF and he could probably cover you for a McDonald’s big breakfast, and a few pairs of those size 54 pants you like. He be licking shafts daily and likes company when he eats at low-rent restaurants because he’d feel too well, privileged if he ate where he can afford to, like Cafe Gitane at the Jane.

  4. any chance ya guys sell your stuff in a local NYC shop who sells hard goods and legit brands and isn’t supreme? orchard’s a great shop and all… but its in boston so ima bit confused. seems like a bad case of cool-guying is going on and its a shame.

  5. Heyyeah haha. Next time I’m up New York way I’d be much obliged to break bread with y’all. On the diet thing though, this was a momentary slip up, and I’m trying hard to mend my ways. I ain’t making too much money fixing clocks, and a quadruple bypass is expansive, ya dig? I do eat at some classy restaurants here in Baltimore, but I don’t know if they are the same caliber as Cafe Gitane. On a different topic, y’all see that new Robby Pulido part posted on the Slap website? That young man has a way with the cellar doors, magnificent stuff.

  6. how is having your stuff carried at Supreme cool guying anything? it doesn’t cost more cuz its there? its not any less available cuz its there? @j silverheels

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