Waka Flocka Lockout

Unable to continue his DuFlockaRant and Lebron Flocka James series due to NBA labor negotiations, Waka Flocka Flame is expected to release mixtapes honoring key NBPA figureheads. Billy Flocka Hunter will be the first release.

Three-minute long Bronze promo for Phil Rodriguez, set to the sounds of Mystic Stlyez-era Three 6 Mafia revisionist, Spaceghostpurp. Phil is the man best known for his inspirational work in the Caviar video. Until there is a team with both Mike Carroll and Rob Campbell on it, Bronze will remain to be the best team in skateboarding.

Miles Marquez attributed his reason for quitting skateboarding to watching Christian Willis skate in real life. (This is when the “I’m going to buy a bottle of Jack and drink it until I no longer care that I suck at skating” quote was uttered.) Here is a new part from Christian Willis. Hopefully, it has an adverse effect on you, and you don’t quit skateboarding.

Robbie Gangemi and Gino Iannucci were both simultaneously at 12th & A on Saturday. Photo by Eli Reed via Instagram.

Nolan Lee noticed that there was a rail running parallel to the Forbidden Banks, and managed to somehow ollie over it. In other Forbidden Banks news, there’s a guy next door who flashes a PBA pin in his wallet as if it was a badge, thinking people will be dumb enough to mistake him for a cop.

Thugs Vs Skateboarders At A Skatepark & Gun Shots Went Off!” The intelligent discussion in the comments of this video must be seen to be believed.

Apparently, there is a skatepark in Brower Park (the Crown Heights spot mentioned last week), which has received minimal coverage. This is the only picture of it that came up after an online search. Looks like a bunch of concrete boxes, but could be decent if you live in the area.

“David Stern. Damn, David Stern. Got to teach you about the ghetto, some things you should learn.” — Ron Artest

It’s beautiful outside. You should probably go skate.

Quote of the Week: “I’m just glad none of us left with pinkeye.” — The Legendary Moya, referring to a wild night at a gentlemen’s cabaret

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Occupy Seaport

“Skipping occupy Wall St. and looking to start an occupy that new park by Seaport movement.” — Roctakon

By now, the period for high hopes is long gone, and there appears to be no chance of the lies you were told throughout the summer becoming truths. Taji’s mom didn’t design it, Rob Campbell didn’t build it, California Skateparks didn’t pour the concrete, and Mayor Bloomberg isn’t going to let you skate it after he does a 9/11 ceremony there, considering there was no 9/11 ceremony here to begin with. There’s going to be a restaurant on the north side, and a dog park on the south, so the new security guard favorite, “We’ll talk to the park and see if they can open an area designated for skateboarding” isn’t going to come true either. (Evidently, security guards are the ones who dictate the allocation of public space.)

Though Occupy Wall Street’s objective(s) may be all over the place, its “99% against the greedy 1%” mantra aptly falls under the “allergic to stupid shit” umbrella. Whether they aim to combat stupid shit with more stupid shit remains to be seen. This skateboarding site does not care to dwell on the movement’s convoluted political goals, but it does applaud them for sitting in at a skate spot for multiple weeks and trying to make a point, as their headquarters are at Zuccotti Park, or what skateboarders simply call “World Trade Center.”

With Seaport, our goals have more to do with the structure of the spot, and the greed of the dog walkers and lunchtime office workers taking a much larger piece of the pie than they deserve. Preventing skateboarding in a place designed for it falls in line with “allergic to stupid shit” principles, and we will need to adjust our percentages to reflect lunch-hour crowds and dog walkers v.s. skateboarders to qualify the inequities plaguing this spot. A Wall Street Journal columnist described Occupy Wall Street as “a Tea Party with brains.” Occupy Seaport will be an angry-kid-throwing-a-tantrum-cursing-at-security-and-refusing-to-leave with brains.

There are two security guards here, and an entire downtown police force busy with protesters. It’s time we take back the Seaport, and see this movement spread to other spots, and eventually, other cities. Occupation is set to begin after Roctakon’s birthday party on Friday.

See you on Saturday.

P.S. Do you think those fully lit volleyball courts in Tribeca are still PACKED now that the weather in New York is consistently below sixty degrees?

P.P.S. If not the Seaport, this plaza in Cologne, Germany is basically what we need…not parks full of ramps up to ledges and a fifteen-skater capacity. Ledges, banks, flat, that’s it. But then again, the Germans were always ahead of the game with engineering.

‘First QS Wedding’ Links

(This photo was taken with an iPhone off the LCD of a 7D)

Congratulations to Ben and Jessica on their marriage. All the best for the future. (Somewhat related: Limited edition, 1 of 1 Quartersnacks bachelor party tee shirt.)

Things got slowed down last week since the C.E.O. was getting married, but not much happened on the internet in a skateboard realm, as most of the contents below cite points of interest from Hella Clips. However, Cameron Giles continued to ask the questions that pervade our existence in “What type of ass is that?”

A compilation of Quim Cardona footage from the past two years, edited to Marvin Gaye. Quim remains to be the only person who could make heelflip body varials look good, and somehow successfully do wallrides on the Newark Ferry Street banks without help from plywood or metal signs at the bottom.

Domestics and Holmes skateshop demo at the Rink on 8th and Brunswick in Jersey City. Saturday, October 15th at 3 P.M. “Yes, Fred Gall will be there.”

I can see F. Scott Fitzgerald skating through high school, then quitting to focus on a career as a socialite/alcoholic.”

Vert is Dead did a week-long retrospective of Rookie ads. For those who don’t know, Rookie was a late-90s/early-2000s, NYC-based skateboard company that sponsored the likes of Sean Kelling, Tino Razo, Jamie Reyes, and others. Spotted via NY Skateboarding.

Alex Dymond, the first Quartersnacks affiliate to get a GQ feature. Galen Dekemper interview in Purple Magazine up next.

Summer 2011 GoPro clip from Adam Abada.

(P.S. If you’re visiting from out of town / don’t know what they hell you’re doing, it’s probably not the best idea to go looking for that Crown Heights basketball court spot with the green gap ledges and plastic benches. Don’t be surprised if there’s a news story about some skateboarder from Florida or France getting shot there by the end of the year.)

Theotis reviews the Bronx homie George Milanes’ sponsor me tape. George has been killing it for years, good to see that Theotis and Atiba showed him some love. Dude has definitely been progressing with every bit of footage that he puts out. (Three Up Three Down is misidentified as being in Barcelona…BEST SPOT IN NEW YORK.)

Quote of the Week (Since we’re on the topic of Three Up Three Down)
Alexander Mosley: “This thing is like a 2 1/2 up, 2 4/5ths down.”
Roctakon: “Don’t ever disrespect this spot.”

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