50 Cent x Twitter x Quartersnacks Decks

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Quartersnacks reader Clayton Jones mocked up these two decks showcasing 50 Cent’s disapproval of skateboarding as “a way of life.” Good to know that 50 will not be one of the few rappers suffering from an identity crisis to pick up a skateboard. His words of wisdom will forever be immortalized on this board though, provided that it actually exists, which is anyone’s guess…

Top Back ‘Til the Summer’s Done Links

Shout out to Wavy Mike & the rest of the crew for making our summer video possible.

Trailer for Black Dave’s upcoming music video, “Black Donald Trump.” B.D. > Every other skateboard rapper.

You’ve probably seen this kid Tyshawn Jones at 12th Street before. He’s Twelve-years-old and rips. Best of all, his entire “throwaway part” is filmed on the streets of Manhattan, with no skateparks in sight, which is amazing considering some kids don’t know the difference between filming in plazas/parks v.s. street spots these days. Someone tell Theotis to send him a box. Wait, that might be kinda hard…

Here’s a brief introductory promo video for Lurker Lou and Tyler Mate’s new board company, Iron Claw Skates.

Thanks to Lowcard Mag for coming out and covering the Quartersnacks anniversary party this past Thursday. They posted up some photos here. The seven-year anniversary will be at the Boom Boom Room and nobody’s getting in.

You’ve probably seen it already, but here’s a video of the Pittsburgh homies and some other people shredding around New York and the rest of the northeast.

Bill Pierce with a few lines on some cutty terrain in this new Nature Hardware commercial.

QS commentator “stoops” recently stated that he prefers Shawn Powers’ brand of nighttime street ripping to that of Anthony Pappalardo (which offended Pappalardo’s legion of legacy defenders.) Not sure why the internet is so fond of comparing everything, but we’re on Shawn’s side.

Check out the latest issue of Already Been Done if you have yet to do so. They have a great interview up with Allen Ying regarding his upstart magazine project, 43. While on the topic of online magazines, the digital version of the Philly-based Skate Jawn ‘zine is now online as well.

Oh, by the way, you guys were just celebrating the fall, right?:

Quote of the Week:
Doorman at the Zoo Office: “Where you been E.J.? Haven’t seen you for a while.”
E.J: “I was traveling all over, Rome, Barcelona, Berlin…”
Doorman at the Zoo Office: “Damn, you know where I really wanna go? Los Angeles.”

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Heat Wave / End of Summer 2011

Fresh off stealing mad bottles from the Rick Ross concert last night (here’s Ross without his trademark sunglasses), and combined with this morning’s crisp, early-fall temperature, it’s only right to present to you our End of Summer / Heat Wave video. It encompasses everything we were up to throughout the past three months: Barcelona, the Wave at Bowery Stadium, skating at night to beat the heat, and perhaps most impressively, somehow coming up with four or five minutes of New York footage entirely filmed in Manhattan (save one trick.) It’s also proof that our recent HD conversion had minimal effects on our attitudes towards production values.

Thanks to everyone who came out last night to support Quartersnacks, and the crew at Bowery Stadium for putting together a great event. Thanks to everyone else that helped us make this video possible as well. Until next summer…

Clip features Daniel Lebron, Doug Brown, Tyler Tufty, Thomas Taylor, Michael Mackrodt, Josh Velez, Andy Henrie, Mike Cuneo, Marcel Veldman, Sven Aerts, Andre Page, Ty Lyons, Corey Rubin, Jahmal Williams, Zered Bassett, Phil Rodriguez, Bryce Golder, Conor Fay, Sean Kelling, Justin Brock, Dan Plunkett, Emilio Cuilan, Mark Nardelli, Ritchard Swain, Alexander Mosley, and Young Chris. Cameos by Mannie Fresh and DJ Roctakon.

Pad’s quote about his party footage outdoing his skate footage came true…

(Alternate YouTube Link)

Way Too Real Re-Edit

Here’s one for for all those fretting about Since Day One only utilizing the most visible post-millenial Too Short song: a re-edit of a small chunk of the video via the DVD extras, set to nothing but Too Short (and Ant Banks) songs from the nineties. There was originally a much more insane concept proposed for this particular video by our creative directors, possibly involving the fabled Tiesto edit that everyone is waiting for…Instead, we called Ant Banks to see what’s up, and given that this site does not often utilize music from the west coast (exceptions here), despite not really having any sort of bias against it, it became a golden opportunity to make up for lost time. So here you go, the Bay’s most legendary skateboard company coupled with its most iconic poet: Vimeo, YouTube.

Be sure to give your Since Day One DVD a whirl if you haven’t revisited it recently (in hindsight, Ramondetta probably has the best part…not sure what the message board consensus on that one was upon release.) Also, give your Baby Steps DVD a watch if you’re lucky enough to own one. Its credits song is “Just Another Day” and it all-around has one of the best soundtracks ever. Holler at the homeboy Gary Payton after you’re done.

QS Six-Year Anniversary Party & Video Screening

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This Thursday, September 15, from 7 to 9 P.M., Bowery Stadium will be hosting a six-year anniversary party for Quartersnacks.com. Yes, it’s somehow been that long. There will be a screening of our summer video, “Heat Wave,” which is essentially a glorified “End of Summer” clip, featuring our Barcelona trip, sessions on the Stadium Wave, summertime degeneracy, and plenty of trademark front shoves with shaky filming. There are two flip-in tricks throughout the entire video, and maybe three switch ones. Teaser one here and teaser two here.

Bowery Stadium is located on 276 Bowery at Houston Street, right next to Pulino’s and across the street from Whole Foods. F train to Second Avenue, and it’s a block away.

There will probably be beer and other refreshments. You bring the Rosé, chopped cheese, and King magazine models. Gucci Mane will unfortunately not be performing this time. Video invite below.