#QSTOP10 — Best of 2017

As the year comes to a close, we are instating a special TUESDAY edition of the Top 10 to look back on the tricks that got people talking in 2017. This is our first time doing this, and we based it off one metric: impact. These are the tricks that managed to pierce through our oft-derided 2017 attention spans, and caused people to initiate in old-fashioned discourse about skateboarding — be it the ancient art of speaking to another human, or merely #RP-ing the trick on social media with the wide-eye emoji.

As a bonus, we included all the intros from this year’s countdowns. Putting it together kinda reminded us of the skateboard Vine tribute we posted last fall on the occasion of the app’s demise, which will probably always be one of the most important archival works in this website’s history.



Year-end countdown continues tomorrow. “Best of” montage next ♥


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have never owned a computer in my life, and I come to my local coffee shop every Friday with my first-gen. wifi iPod every week. When people ask me why I make this internet pilgrimage, I always tell them for my quarter snacks top tens. I’ve shared them with so many friends, randoms, and strangers. Even my old lady likes them. So thank you again, this wet winter Tuesday needed this! Cheers friends!

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