‘That’s Not Worth Filming’ — Dime Comp Volume 420


Dime’s affluence over the past year has given rise to several developments. 1) They’re opening a store in Montreal on Saturday (depicted above.) They’ll carry their line, in addition to hardgoods, Quartersnacks merch and chill stuff from other chill companies. Proud of you boys. 2) They command a wider-reaching influence that has catapulted Jamal Smith into internet infamy yet again, made bowling edge out tennis as skaters’ peripheral sporting obsession, and the #dimechallenge to be undertaken in regions far outside French Canadia. 3) When you catch checks, you catch flights, and those flights have resulted in side-eyes from Swedish filmmakers.

Phil only carries the VX around for exercise, so here’s everything from the past year or so that was just for Instagram ;)

Previous Dime Comps: Three, two, one

Also, how could we forget…

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