Quartersnacks Top 10 — December 2, 2016


The entire week became a wash after that Vans video dropped. We capped it out at two inclusions, and left out the kinked rail heard around the world on purpose. Partly because everyone has seen it on every form of social media that exists, partly because word is that it didn’t even count ;) and because the trick that did get picked for #1 was on a rail that we hold a special bias for.

All around insane week in the skateboard world. Could’ve probably done a full top ten off the Sour Skateboards video alone, so you should go watch that if you have yet to do so. Have a good weekend.

Original Clips:


Previously: November 25, 2016

Also, we are going to have a light restock on some items, plus a few new ones go live on the webstore on Monday at 10 A.M. [est].


1 Comment

  1. The QS Top 10 continues to be the best thing on the skateboard internet. I hope Trump doesn’t shut this down too.

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