Quartersnacks Top 10 — October 21, 2016


Rough week over here. The flip side of the coin in having a super sleek, less-than-three-pound MacBook Air is that sometimes, when you’re sleep deprived in an airport, you forget to put it back into your bag while going through security. Probably doesn’t help that it’s the same color silver as the plastic bin itself. So while some TSA officer is probably enjoying a new less than year old Macbook back home, we had to make due with the situation.

Haven’t missed a Monday Links post in five-plus years (excluding Monday holidays, obvs), and we sure as fuck aren’t about to start missing #QSTOP10s not even a few dozen episodes in. Better late than never. Next week should be more eventful than this one on the website, I promise xoxo. Have a great weekend ♥

Original Clips:


Previously: October 14, 2016


  1. ‘rus back 50? i get that the whole thing can’t be a johnny clip but like half of it can be…

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