“Zooted” is a New York video by Stephán Lewis with appearances from Brandon Scott, Jiro Platt, Yaje Popson and a bunch of other people you’ll recognize from skating around downtown.
The Village Psychic dudes spend the lockdown months creating Village Archive, an early stab at a Wikipedia or an IMDB of skateboard footwear. (Man, have skaters been responsible for designing some awful shoes.) Kinda inspired to think up some ideas similar to this one now…
2015’s version of skateboard literature’s longest running summer wrap-up is here: Dubai or Not Dubai – Frozen in Carbonite’s S.O.T.S. x P.O.T.S. post. “Indeed, using the most powerful communication medium of our time—Instagram—as a yardstick, following the most popular thirst trap accounts down an Instagram wormhole leads to a dark place where every comment is either in a foreign alphabet or ‘Come to Dubai.'” (P.S. Who the HELL is responsible for deleting that Tiago Lemos We Are Blood remix from FB? Someone please re-upload it. P.P.S. “Stick Talk” > “I Serve the Base” for Tiago maybe. P.P.P.S. Can confirm Future cuts the music off and puts his thumb in the air after the “I ain’t got no manners…”-part when performing “Stick Talk.”)
Ten years prior to Canada’s current #moment, it had a smaller, more skate-centric #moment when videos like North were dropping. Village Psychic revisited the 2004 Anti-Social video from that era. (Anti-Social has a new one dropping next spring, btw.)
Most of my friends rocked the Staples way heavier as far as Lakais went, but there was definitely a later cult around the Manchesters. SMLTalk has a requiem for maybe the last Lakai shoe to make an imprint in the skate footwear landscape.
Nike is doing an online premiere for SB Chronicles this Saturday (December 3rd) at 6:30 P.M. If you prefer a more traditional video premiere environment (i.e. you’d rather watch it projected on a huge screen instead of a 13″ laptop), Bowery Stadium is hosting a premiere on the same day at 7 P.M. Stadium is located at 276 Bowery, right at the southwest intersection of Houston Street, next to Pulino’s. Take the F to Second Avenue and it’s half-a-block away. The video features Youness Amrani, Chet Childress, Clark Hassler, Stefan Janoski, Lewis Marnell, Daniel Shimizu, Grant Taylor (so that Thrasher S.O.T.Y. part was basically throwaway?), and Wieger Van Wageningen. You can read up on the video and watch the two trailers here.
In anticipation of the video, here is a compilation of Youness’ footage from our summer 2010 project with SB. Knowing him, he’d probably say all of this footage sucks. It doesn’t. (Though it is a notch or two below tricks like this on the intensity scale.) And that tail-less C.I.A. line is maybe the best thing to ever be in a Quartersnacks clip, short of Alex Mosley using the lobby of the Met Life building as runway to ollie a double-set. Having seen a lot of great skateboarders skate in person, Youness is near the top of the list in terms of people that make tricks look deceptively easy. See below. His part should be an entertaining one.
Even though the room tends to divide when technical wizardry, especially from younger skaters, comes up for discussion, this Almost Skateboards Youness Amrani part is certainly worth a watch. One year later, I’m still trying to wrap my head around how he did a five trick line at C.I.A. ledge with no tail on his board (with a front shove nosegrind shove-it out, of all things.)
So, the Opening Ceremony skate team looks like it’s coming closer to becoming a reality. We’ve been casting this prediction since first exiting the Mind Field premiere with Dylan Reider’s part fresh in mind. We’ll be meeting with potential clients interested in capitalizing on this website’s proficiency for trend forecasting throughout the week. APC for Altamont, and Rag & Bone for Four Star are up next, just watch.
Our good friend Adam Abada skated from Battery Park to the Bronx while filming all of the street signs that he met along the way. “NYC Arithmetic” already had the privilege of being featured on more heavily trafficked destinations like The New York Times’ “City Room” blog and Gawker, but is a cool 45 seconds in case you missed it.
The new issue of Poweredge Magazine has a New York City feature, which includes a sick photo of Rodney at that metal circle cut-out “spot” on Water Street (behind the C-Benches.)
There was hardly anything left to skate at Penn Plaza, since the restaurant built an extension on the landing space for the manual pad, but now, it’s under construction and they did away with the less noteworthy obstacles that had remained.
When you skateboard in the middle of the street, there’s a certain common expectation of how cars and buses are going to move. So it’s easy to relate to this video if you ever had a bus or a car stop short on you. And it’s also amazing that YouTube comments still find a way to turn it into an argument.
Thanks to Complex Magazine for the shout-out on the Quartersnacks cruiser board. We should probably look into getting another run of those made…
For more Quartersnacks NBA coverage, follow us on Twitter, as that’s pretty much all that account is used for (at least until the season ends.)
Quote of the Week: “I saw a lady fire up a crack pipe on Saint Mark’s place, right in front of Pinkberry at 11 P.M. the other night…I think we’re going to stop getting kicked out of spots pretty soon.” — Billy Rohan
Not really mad at Scottie Pippen’s playoff predictions, save the second round favor of Miami. Definitely backing the call on Oklahoma. (Basketball is going to be a bigger topic than usual on here for the next few weeks, deal with it. We’ll be avoiding all the infuriating aspects of yesterday’s game though.)
Following up with that bit about Skatebook getting sued for those Simpsons illustrations by 20th Century Fox, it was definitely wise to scoop up a copy a few weeks back, as the going price for it now is an upwards of $300 for a used copy on Amazon. There were copies going for $30-$40 the week of that initial post in late March.
Alternate edit of Kyle Iles part in Rich Mahogany, set to the sounds of Project Pat, which Kyle evidently disapproved of. There is not much a difference in terms of how the part is put together from the original, but you never need an excuse to revisit Kyle’s finest work. (He might be living in exile far away from New York now.)
This is probably the most intense / advanced game of S.K.A.T.E. to hit the internet in a while. Featuring Quartersnacks favorite, Youness Amrani, and his ability to do switch backside lipslides down handrails on call.
While Luis Tolentino received widespread accolades for his Berrics’ part and proficiency for skating up things that go down, he still functions best in his natural habitat of Queens, New York. This short clip of outtakes from Flushing and AT&T proves that point. Did New York pioneer the act of setting up a trashcan before a set of stairs or was that invented elsewhere? (He channeled this in the Berrics part by placing the Los Angeles equivalent of a trashcan, a flatbar, in front of a set of stairs, and fakie heelflipping over it.)
A rare (and short) Van Wastell part from Consolidated’s 1999 Is What It Is video.
Keeping along with rare web finds, 48 Blocks recently posted a Girl / Chocolate promo that looks like it was released just before The Chocolate Tour (a lot of the footage in it later appeared in that video…Guy’s fakie frontside flip crook to fakie at Lockwood is still nuts.) Features Rick Howard courtside sightings at Lakers’ games, Sheffy taking on the Wu-Tang, and a behind the scenes look at one of the best commercials ever.
Everyone already proclaimed Dennis Busenitz as the to-be Skater of the Year. Well, Lil’ Chris (from 2nd Nature’s Eclectic video, and who appeared in the past two Watermelon videos dating all the way back to 2006) is Quartersnacks’ early contender for Skater of the Year. The realest thirteen-year-old on a board today.
R.I.P. Flip Cameras. Probably a smart longterm move. They were immensely popular, but didn’t accomplish much that your average smartphone couldn’t already do. (Infinitely better in low-light situations than the iPhone 4 though.)