Scandinavian Summer



Posted remotely in Copenhagen for the week, where it already fast-forwarded to everyone needing a hoody and jacket at night. Here are eighteen seconds of Hjalte warm-ups filmed a hundred feet from where this post is being typed.

Holy switch inward heelflip. Two minutes of largely unreleased Keenan footage.

America: Where seemingly sane “adults” argue about the placement of a trash can + yoga/skate hybrids and LurkNYC showing #OGRESPECT in volume eighteen of their always entertaining “New York Times” throwaways series.

Here’s a five-minute recap on the Keenan Forever skate jam at T.F. West last week.

Shout out to this mid-2000s B.A. footage that Joey Digital posted last week.

Sweet Sixteen” is a chill New York montage via Evan Pacheco and Harry Bergenfield.

The many frustrations of skating Allen Street, summed up in 43 seconds. Ugh.

Recently started a dedicated shoebox for all the zines scattered around my apartment. Pretty sure they’ll still be around when IG is covered in pixely cobwebs and every Snapchat story expires. Kingpin has a nice lil’ round-up of what’s popping in the zine scene, and Village Psychic interviewed the mind behind Boston’s Blessed mag.

#TRENDWATCH2016: Hoboken Skatepark? Mini ramps??? New iPhone clip from Genesis from Hoboken, Blue Park, and the new McCarren.

Boil the Ocean re: Tokyo 2020 hypnotizing chickens. QS is an Olympic rant free zone.

Bruns 1 icon, Nik Stain’s short-n-sweet Bruns 2 part is now online.

New York is the new Cali. An interview with Clem from Recordings of Boardings.

With skate premieres officially becoming an unwelcome cultural even at Sunshine theater this past spring, have we found the new capital of illicit beers and big-screen skate video screenings?! Omg. The SVA theater will be hosting the premiere of Colin Read’s new video this Saturday, which features parts from Quim Cardona, Vincent Touzery, Chris Jones, and rumor has it, DANIEL KIM footage. Jenkem did an interview about Colin’s purportedly last video as well.

Quote of the Week:


[Unsolicited link to “Bando Lingo,” just in case…]

I Just Left Colombia

carrol bronx

Back foot. Feeling the spike in NY-based Carroll coverage these past 12 months. Photo: Mehring.

[Really though.]

Rest in Peace Love Park. Thanks for the memories. Switch tre never went down :(

~Seven minutes of raw footage from one of everyone’s new favorites, Mark Humienik.

Joey Suriel’s Chromeball interview really puts into perspective why Menace is such a nostalgia touchstone for people two decades down the line, particularly in our current era of surging “it was the lifestyle, man”-companies. #respect to Kareem Campbell for reminding skateboarders to pay their taxes also ;)

The barred-off map manual pad at the Veteran’s Memorial [that Pappalardo first popped off in Fully Flared] is having a bit of a comeback.

There’s something heartwarming about seeing current-day footage at the Museum of Natural History, probably because Pang’s multi-level line from Mixtape holds such a dear place in my heart. Shout out to Moldy Films.

A video preview of the upcoming Big Brother book. Each issue gets two pages.

“People sometimes ask me about that in relation to skateboarding, about how it should belong to skaters in terms of an aesthetic, and that’s fucked up because it’s the genre that has stolen the most.” An interview with Palace designer, Fergus Purcell.

It seems that the boys over at France’s Free Skate Mag have joined us in fighting the good fight against redhead discrimination in skateboarding, as they premiered a new Wieger part this past week, in addition to a Strawberry Letter 23-flavored remix video.

Dr. Z v.s. H.O.V.

*heart eye Emoji* Dylan Reider interviews Sean Pablo *heart eye Emoji*

“If future pros fistfight Russian bouncers but never speak of it publicly out of an abundance of professional caution, do the busted teeth and cracked eye sockets make any sound? Wasn’t Chris Cole straightedge at one point or is this another phantom memory like Henry Sanchez’s Aesthetics pro model?” Boil the Ocean on real-time mythmaking and neatly boxed memories.

ICYMI…1) Josh Wilson closes out the new Waylon Bone montage real strong. 2) HD video blog #19 from Johnny Wilson et al. with an averted worst case scenario. 3) Nik Stain v.s. parking garage manual pads in the latest Cell Jawn installment. 4) Andrew Wilson at the Nike SB Garage, with guest trick from Conor “QS Part in April” Prunty.

The Green Zine re: the plight of the skateboard filmer.

QS Sports Desk: The Sports Desk is an anti-Lakers establishment, as are the San Antonio Spurs. With that being said, their tribute to Kobe was very sweet. Godspeed to one of opposing NBA teams’ last true archvillians.

Quote of the Week: “Dre is like the cool uncle who spoils you. He’ll give you a free board and then be like, ‘Here, take this trail mix with you.'” — Alexander Mosley

Leftover sizes still on sale @ the webstore.

Just Know It’ll Be January In No Time


Told you that trash was #trending.

“Would the take-aways from your story be: find your passion, go to school if it interests you, travel, meet new people, get out of your comfort zone, don’t be scared to move somewhere new, be good to people, and work really hard?”
“I’d say focus on the first and the last two things you just mentioned and everything else will fall into place.” Skateboard Story has an interview with Torey Goodall, one of the five or seven greatest living skateboarders, about turning #good #drunk times into a career at a fashion-forward British skateboard enterprise.

New vid from Jesse Alba and that kid who doesn’t fuck with Trukfit.

This dude switch 5050ed the Hooters rail in the new Waylon Bone edit. Sorta surprised that spot hasn’t been getting more burn in the “Summer Trip to New York” footage cycle considering the actual Hooters has been out of commission for a minute.

Volume 12 of LurkNYC’s “New York York Times” throwaway series went live this past weekend. Some people really really hate skateboarding yaknow?

We’re still adamantly anti-good skateboarders at Three Up Three Down but still sorta excited to see what Lucas came back with. Him and Hjalte get the pass.

Carroll’s quick Questionable, Virtual Reality, Goldfish and Finally run is the skate version of Nayvadius’ Monster, Beastmode, 56 Nights and DS2 run.

Jönnek” is the new one from the finest former Soviet bloc country-based skate crew working today. They’re basically the MPC™ of eastern Europe.

Hey he got a new phone.

…and that Gramercy T.F. is the new hot spot for phone edits.

Free Skate Mag caught up with Luy Pa Sin, an icon of mid-2000s European ledge skating and varial flips. Includes a retrospective edit too :)

Officially (?) the first skate clip to utilize WATTBA #musicsupervision.

“No profession is as closely identified with food as police work is with doughnuts.”

Quote of the Week: “That kid scoots like a Polar skater.” — Keith Denley

This week marks one year since the release of Tha Tour, which is still on whole-way-through-at-least-3x-a-week-status over at the QS office. Birdman can go to hell for ruining what was momentarily the greatest thing to happen to rap groups since who even knows? Since We Got It For Cheap 2 dropped? Guys pls work out your differences and bring back “the best duo since Outkast“© thx.

111th & Riverside

aaron 5050

We’ve discussed how Riverside Drive is some of the most photogenic territory on this low-lying island before. Except in our case, besides Grant’s Tomb and the Upper West Side-favorite Soldiers and Sailors Monument (most of it has been knobbed for a few years now), there isn’t a whole lot to skate on that stretch of woodsy street.

Anyone who’s tried to circumvent a Westside Highway traffic jam has likely passed this lloonngg rail on 111th Street, which connects residential Riverside Drive to the park’s entrance. It might’ve been skated by rollerbladers from The Bronx before, but prior til today’s revelation, nobody ever channeled their inner-Jeff Pang (yeah, anyone who 5050s a long handrail in Manhattan is channeling Jeff Pang fam) and put their skateboard trucks on it.

People have been getting good at skateboarding lately, so a lot of video game spots on Riverside Drive are beginning to look more realistic for the top 1% of people who ride skateboards. Exhibit A: Earlier this morning, Waylon Bone uploaded a would-be “Magnified” of Aaron Herrington trying a 5050 down the 111th rail. It’s sick.

Previously: 135th & Riverside



Rest in Peace Pichilin. Photo stolen from Sue Kwon’s book, Street Level. 1994.

“cherry” is now available on iTunes in the best quality there is.

The Tumblr community rounded up .GIFs of all the Courthouse Drop tricks from “cherry,” though they should be watched with “I Don’t Know Dem” playing in the background. No “I got them looks” .GIF either…

Dime tracks the mise-en-scéne similarities between Gershon Mosley’s underappreciated skateboard career and “cherry.” Or something.

Tino Razo low-key had some of the coolest tricks in “cherry,” so here is his and Matt Terwilliger’s part from the original Lurkers video (2002).

Mudo Zine interviewed Aaron Herrington, who just turned pro for Polar.

Outside of Pepe Martinez’s switch heelflip frontside noseslide and Kyle James’ entire oeuvre, is switch nose manual fakie 360 flip out the best trick ever done in Timbs?

Some outtakes from the Beef Patty crew’s Puerto Rico montage, and some other outtakes of them skating around the city. More front of Union footage!

OMG, a “Winter Trip to New York” clip?!?! Is dudes reviewing their Tinder matches going to become a standard “lifestyle footage” inclusion for 2014 skate clips?

New Jenkins Log clip featuring Zered, Eli, Jordan Trahan, etc.

A teaser for See Ya Around, the new video by Waylon Bone, a teaser for OD Wavy, the new video from The Man Who Films, and the full version of Corrupted Communications 2, the new video from Grace Skate Co.

The Heights park looks like it’s finished and already covered in horrible graffiti.

A topic relevant to the interests of this website: The best rap songs of 2004, compiled ten years late, as the internet was not nearly as listicle-ified a decade ago. No debate about the #1. Tip seems more concerned with reality TV these days, but at least he can lay claim to recording not not the best rap song of the past ten years.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Even though he had already been in the league for a minute, ever since the 2011 playoffs when Chris Paul singlehandedly beat the Lakers twice, he’s held a special place in my heart. Out of all the dream players that idiot Knicks fans think they’re on the verge of signing, he’s the only one that really hurts. Anyway, yeah, him v.s. the Rockets on Saturday.

Quote of the Week:

torey maroon 5

The Palace L.A. trip looks like it is going well…

The Green Diamond went from a once-relevant institution to a non-existent one. R.I.P.