One Year Since Save Tompkins Day

Update: We raised just over $10k. Thank you everyone who came out, and everyone who helped clean up.

September 7 marks one year since Save Tompkins Day, a day that was supposed to be a rally to save the T.F. from being converted into an Astro Turf field — but became a celebration of this irreplaceable piece of the city after the Parks Department called off the plan in the face of overwhelming community support for keeping the park as it always has been.

In celebration of that, Uncle Leroy’s Charity Sidewalk sale, which has been happening bi-weekly at McGolrick Park, is coming to Tompkins, and will be fundraising for BLM causes and at-risk local businesses. 1-6 P.M., Monday, September 7.

P.S. Monday Links will go live on Tuesday on account of the Labor Day holiday.

An Orb Descends Into the East Village — A #tfreport Special Report

Words by Zach Baker

ET is in town, so he was special guest at the warehouse, which was exciting. Anything different at the warehouse is exciting. He wanted to go to Hoboken skatepark afterwards, so we did.

We bought a 12-pack of Modelo on Washington Street, and then I showed ET where they invented the Jersey barrier. We jumped the fence at the park, got kicked out, and then chilled with this brolic scooter kid on the pier until it rained.

We sat in the car and waited for his girlfriend to pick him up, while I drew the skatepark.

Then, I went to the city to meet EJ at Tompkins. It was like 6.

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