Triple of Nothing, Jeff Cecere‘s sequel to This Is A Window and Mind How You Go is premiering at The Woods (where else?) on Saturday, December 14th @ 8 P.M.
Tag: #spotcheck
If you’re skating around Lower Manhattan in the coming days, you may notice that the Small Banks — which are supposed to be restored into skateable condition — are open.
…except they’re not in skateable condition.
According to Steve R., who has been active in this whole saga since they first got closed in 2010, step one of the Small Banks restoration was for the contractors doing the main bridge-adjacent construction to bring them to 2010 condition. In the next phase, they will be re-closed, and different contractors will bring the space into the original, skateable condition that you see in old videos. No firm dates on that yet, but you know, the city, red tape, bureaucracy, etc.
But yeah, don’t panic. The three-phase restoration for the space is still in motion.
FedEx is completely boarded off. No telling whether they are re-doing the plaza on the side yet, but since this is holy ground for the QS office, we will keep you updated as things progress.