4 Da Gang

Photo by Sam Ashley

Happy birthday Torey Goodall

Yo, the fucking height on T.J’s fakie heelflip… Also how far away do you think we are from someone ollieing the 8-flat-8 at the Met? Rumor has it that Bald Head Ed tried it back in the day, but maybe someone should take Chris Pfanner to see some paintings next time he’s in New York?

“Together, Lara and Olson have achieved a small, apocalyptic miracle: they’ve bottled the dreamy spirit of the skate shop.” Kyle Beachy has some nice words for the feel-good film of the year, the 917 Video. Also Logan moved back to L.A. and we’re never gonna see him again.

“From start to finish Sabotage 5 is a gloriously losing war against capitulation to the inevitable. Like any decent funeral, this eulogy is delivered by the immediate family, rather than transient pros, with the locals turning in their last tapes skating Love Park as it was, and a grip of tricks as it is dismantled.” More great video reviews! That one was re: Sabotage 5 via Boil the Ocean.

Monday #inspo: Village Psychic did a great Ron Deily remix with his past year or two of footage. We rigged one back in 2015 as well + this Junk Spot part was a good time.

Better Skate Than Never has been posting some fire Josh Velez .GIFs.

Here’s a short “Summer Trip to N.Y” clip with a pretty sick ender.

Josh Kalis and Brian Wenning skating Philly together. In 2017.

Grey has some pics from the making of the Palace video / the promo for their skatepark is amazing / shout out to Sidewalk for telling us all the Don’t Watch That PWBC news segments are actually still online.

Spot Updates: The rails at the 27th and 2nd park got knobbed, and has anyone stolen the Delancey Curb bench back yet?

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Thank goodness the NBA is back. Gotta give this one to Wiggins, even though now the only thing the Sports Desk roots for is Russell Westbrook’s happiness and well-being (J.R. too.) Must’ve felt like a postseason-esque loss if you’re an OKC fan.

Quote of the Week: “T-Pain is the black Rob Dyrdek.” — Carl Williams

I love Future like one of my dearest friends, but would honestly trade Super Slimey for like, three new Quan and Thug songs.

Sundays Are Too Fun ©

Via @rumoursandlies on Instagram

We made some fast Snackman tees with our friends at Dime. Available now at their store in Montreal, and available tomorrow at 8 P.M. E.S.T. on their webstore.

Also on that note, Monster Children has a quick preview of this year’s upcoming Glory Challenge. “Pretty stoked to use pyrotechnics this year.”

Eric Koston filmed everyone’s favorite Russian skateboarder and back smither do a line at my favorite skate spot on planet earth. It ends with a back smith.

Here is a thirteen-minute-long mega mix of any and all 917 affiliates’ footage (Cyrus, Max, Genny, Nyjah, etc.) that has been pulled off various Instagram depositories. Only just over a month until we figure out whether or not Logan is lying to us!

A new trailer for Sabotage 5, which will be, as strange as it sounds to say, the final Love Park video. Due out on DVD and VHS on September 29.

Vogue Skateboard Magazine has a rare, detailed profile on Supreme.

Skateboarders have been responsible for some horrendous, phoned-in art in their day, especially as they’ve lapsed away from actual skating — BUT we can all agree the most #subversive, #disruptive, and #iconic skate art can be found in the contentious world of skatepark graffiti. TBH, we should start doing Tompkins graffiti updates.

Nine minutes of raw footage from steezy underweight guy and ABC ledge survivalist, Nick Ferro, as derived from Grand Collection’s “Buggy” video.

Are people still allowed to ollie into ledge tricks on Instagram?

And with this video, @nextlevelkook A.K.A. Tyler Warren has taken the throne as IG’s finest auteur. Dutchmaster Delaney and Kevin Tierney are still up there though.

That short-lived manual pad at the Escape From New York cathedral on Amsterdam is no more. They put a rail around the corner, but that hasn’t stopped people from filming enders there.

Airdropping dick pics to people on the subway is pretty foul, but yo, now you can AirDrop your footy tape all over Agenda, Tampa AM, etc. to get on.

Quote of the Week: “Did I ever tell you about the time I was seven hours early to work but still three hours late?” — Keith Denley

They Destroyed Love a Year Ago

rip love park

It has been just over a year since Philadelphia destroyed history’s most serendipitous intersection of skateboarding and public space — a place people risked losing appendages to skate one last time. We carried plenty of fresh wounds into 2017, so picking at Love Park’s irreversible end serves no purpose beyond masochism. With there still being a surplus of footage from the Sabotage dudes et al. (who were actually the main masochistic outlet for Love closure anniversary coverage), it’s easy to forget that it has already been a year.

Memory Screen coincidentally uploaded this collection of Kalis clips from Love today (though they left out my favorite five seconds of a skate video maybe ever.) Much like people in our age group only know Embarcadero from THPS and scholarly types pointing us in the direction of old Carroll footage, every generation from hereon-out will know Love through images and stories. There isn’t an abridged version of the spot to go back to and mentally fill in the blanks — like the Banks after the planters and benches were installed, or Southbank after it was cut in half. As the park dawns closer to its new reality as a grassy crack colony, its original form drifts further into clips like these. You’d think all associated images had been committed to firm memory by now, but I actually have no idea where the clip of the switch front blunt / switch backside flip line is from, nor do I think I have ever seen it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Shout out Edmund Bacon. You deserve a bronze statue at a sick spot in a city that’s not as stubborn as Philadelphia.

Related: The Love Park Story, Teaser for Sabotage 5

Throwaway Laptops NBD


Hey man, thanks for the glowing review. Quartersnacks for Nike SB available now :) Oh, also regs line of new QS merch should be available very, very soon ♥

Better than a ginger shot!* A quick jolt of Jake Johnson from the GX video to get your day going. (*Disclaimer: probably not better than a ginger shot health-wise, fyi.)

Shout out to The New York Times for using “Fat Kid Spot,” the spot’s proper name, in their article about the park’s reconstruction. Also shout out to the DOT for getting rid of that pesky bridge above the park. Set to open late fall.

Hard to tell exactly where upstate this video is based out of, but spotted a good bit of Rochester spots. “Friction” is a chill eleven-minute video filmed somewhere around that big ol’ state that sits above our small center-of-the-universe city.

It feels like this is the first year in a long time when the frontrunner(s) for SOTY weren’t completely obvious a month out from the award. Boil the Ocean weighs in on the contenders, although gonna have to disagree that the Snoop Dogg song from Away Days ever needed to be skated to. Nor does it alleviate the fact that Busenitz skates in German jk ;) The QS list is Tiago, Max and Daniel Kim duh.

Sometimes you just want to skate in front of Fanelli’s during the lunch rush yaknow? “Mean Streets” volume 4 via the LurkNYC camp is now live.

“You never know: You might say the word f*ggot walking down the street one day and some big old lesbian’s going to hear you, turn around, and punch you right in the face.” Awesome new interview with Brian Anderson that encompasses his entire career, conducted on the occasion of him joining the Anti-Hero roster.

Major pet peeve is websites who don’t post dates with their content, so not entirely sure how old this is, but Boardrap has an interview with the two minds behind The Bunt, both the QS News Desk and the QS Sports Desk’s favorite podcast. (Yo shout out to Grant Patterson for pervading usage of the term “nollie half cab” and F all of U who have a problem with it. Sincerely, everyone who skates at T.F.) The Bunt’s new episode with Kevin Lowry is also now live, btw.

Bobby DeKeyzer x Tumblr remix, or something?

A teaser for Sabotage 5, the last Love Park video ever.

Stuff You’ve Seen: 1) Johnny’s new one, “Sup World,” which signals a bowing out of #skatevideohouse and a sonic foray into the renewed #interest in hardcore shirts? I dunno. 2) “Sage & Sean,” via my neighbor Logan Lara. 3) Lakai AM nearly levels Chelsea jogger. Last week was probably the heaviest “What about so-and-so?”-week for #QSTOP10. Can’t win ’em all and apologies if your faves got left out.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Lol, Javale McGee is going to the Finals this year.

Quote of the Week: “If skateboarding ends today, you still have at least ten years worth of content about the good old days.” — Pryce Holmes

Shout out to ♥ Josh Velez and Torey Goodall ♥, two of my favorite skateboarders on this earth who celebrated birthdays in the past week. Love you guys xoxo.