Just left Columbia. Photo by Matt Roberge.
QS x DGK coming next month.
Cee Lo, the new one from LurkNYC, is great. Sick spots (probably the most astute prop grate finders working today), a soundtrack sure to please anyone who’s ever left a “you guys actually like this?”-comment on a Quartersnacks YouTube video, and an awesome ender part from John Shanahan (above) that will be on repeat for the foreseeable future. Fakie bigspin manny line was a real crowd pleaser :) Also, those security guards at the gold rail on 52nd Street might be the worst in the city…
New interview with Gino Iannucci in Italy’s Brief Glance mag. Starts on page 37.
The 550 Wheels promo begins with what’s basically a full, new Ron Deily part. (There’s a junk spot successor already?) Also has a Kevin Taylor appearance.
Max Palmer Presents: A new barrier at the Bushwick Blue Park.
An iPhone video from Jesse Alba, a Blackberry (yeah) clip from E.J., and a handycam video from Rob Harris.
John Valenti’s Local Express video is online in full. New full Caddo part.
“What advice can you give someone wanting to work in skateboarding?” “Whatever it is you want to do, just start doing it on your own. Shoot photos how you want, film how you want, put up your videos, reach out to the companies you want to work for…” Skateboard Story has a solid interview with Transworld‘s Blair Alley about still working at one of the remaining print publications left in skateboarding.
SMLTalk chronicles the stylistic evolution of Robert Welsh.
Matt Nordess at the top-10 worst ledge and less bad places for Labor Skateshop.
QS faves, Budapest’s Rios Crew, goes to Croatia.
An interview with everyone’s fave Scandinavian beast, Hjalte Halberg.
Couple quick New York clips in Flo Mirtain’s new part for Jenkem.
Is riding over the full length of a car a NBD?
The odds being stacked against company comebacks never stops anyone from trying.
A skate tour through Alaska with Brock, Worrest, etc.
It’ll always be Pigeon Shit Double-Set to me ;)
Turn audio on for maximum effect.
If you ask 100 people to give you the twenty best Young Thug songs of 2015, you’re going to get 100 different mixes. Provided you don’t want to sift through five thousand songs, Hotbox Social did a pretty good job of condensing his past twelve months into ninety minutes of music — though you’d probably wanna include “Dome,” “Numbers,” “Bang Bang,” “Pacifier” — actually no, it’s sorta impossible…
QS Sports Desk: Going to switch it up a bit this week and link an article. I thoroughly enjoyed this new interview with Real Sports‘ Bryant Gumbel. His whole “as you age, you care less and less about what a bunch of 20-year-olds are doing”-thing is something I often try to remind [30+] people pontificating on the [non-existent] “death” of skate videos. Sk8 videos r 4 the youths man.
Quote of the Week: “He showed up to the skatepark in a cashmere poncho.” — Dom Travis
Still some beanies [and assorted sizes of fall goods] left in the webstore, even though it’s going to be seventy degrees on Christmas Eve…