Yoooooo, obvs we out, but summer on Friday 4real.
#Surfboard Vines had a good run, but they’re officially done. This guy won.
Holy switch hardflip. Anyone else feel tempted to go buy a pink crewneck now?
Even in winter, the most productive skate crew in New York is still putting out three-minute montages. Fashion goes in cycles, so it makes sense that people are skating Verizon Banks again, albeit between hundreds of knobs.
It’s awesome that Chrome Ball never really shut down; it still has better interviews than everywhere else. The latest post-faux-mortem installment is with Reese Forbes, one of the most frequent recipients of “You had to see him skate in real life to really get it“-honors. Also, these ads were great.
Before you get too nostalgic about the nineties…(BTW, Blind jeans are back.)
A new part from history’s most prolific half cab boardslider, Jersey Dave.
Any clip with a Z-Ro song in it gets an automatic post. Still waiting for someone to skate to this…
“Snowboarders, like, see the world differently, dude.”
The new all-night, short sleeve heavy montage from the Haha Funtime crew is going to make you really sad about the state of outdoor activity right now.
New Albany-centric video from Jeremy Jordan and friends.
Still Scummin’ is a cool 40-minute bro cam video of Jersey dudes skating around known haunts of the New York region. Austin Kanfoush’s part did it justice, but it’s perfectly reasonable to use “Fuck That Shit” in every single skate video that gets put out for the remainder of skateboarding’s existence.
ICYMI: Just like Robocop (or something?), Traffic Skateboards got rebooted. They have a new montage out that features Luke Malaney footage :)
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Gotta be Waiters v.s. Hardaway J.R. in the rookie-sophomore game.
Quote of the Week: “I never thought switch skating was going to catch on. I’d tell people they’re better off investing their money in laser discs.” — Justin Barnes

Beanies are sold out until next winter. Thanks to anyone out there wearing one xoxo.