We’re Weaning Him Off The Aperol Now

Calling It There” is a New Haven, CT-based video by Mead Franz with a good chunk of NYC clips. It feels like the Virtual Reality Bump has been popping up in more homie edits lately? Makes sense, since it’s probably been out of fashion for ~ten-ish years and you know how cycles go. Also, dude sliding down that rock bank in BPC kinda-sideways was crazy.

Love all of K-Rod’s crazy tricks obvs, but seeing Kevin Rodrigues do “normal” ol’ ledge tricks [sturdy back tail, back noseblunt pop-out…] is almost jarring to the expectations. K-Rod, Hjalte, and Dino XL (!) in this Copenhagen trip edit by Nico.

“My mom once sent my grandma a picture of a young Jake Johnson, and she replied, ‘Aww, I love Shane.'” Heckride interviewed Atlanta’s Shane Farber.

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Lotta Brodies, One Ledge

Naquan Rollings’ “$$$six” video is a slice of life montage into what it is like to spend hours on end at the refurbished Tompkins Square Park, circa 2024. Could basically be VR. That backflip guy has to go back and get that. #tfreport.

“I don’t make something unless I really like it and think it’s fire and cool and I want to wear it — or I think it’ll sell. Usually the shit that I think is the best and all my friends think is the coolest doesn’t do well. Then the shit that I’m like, ‘Whatever, this is bullshit’ — it sells out.” A tale as old as time. Village Psychic interviewed Myles Underwood, the mind behind Fuck This Industry.

Theories shared Josh Feist’s part from Traffic’s It’s Completely Fine video. Heavy on the Philly clips, lots of insanely crustaceous spots, and those tricks from the black marble rock onto the cement ledge are wild.

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