Wifi Lit

Photo via Max Hull

What in tarnation

With it being high season for trips out to Rockaway (back up to 92 degrees tomorrow…) that include a pitstop at the charmingly bad beach 90th skatepark, it is worth pointing out that the park just got a bunch of new ramps. Unclear as to whether it is better now or before. Hopefully, before the world ends, both the bowl and mini ramp there will get replaced with cement versions of the exact same thing.

Last week, Louis Vuitton became the second company in 2018 to reveal that it um, was “inspired by” the Osiris D3. The people need a documentary about Osiris.

Gangcorp threw a BBQ and best trick contest at L.E.S. Park on July 4th. Here’s the recap video.

“Best of all, skateboarding’s independent streak means it fosters a healthily rebellious worldview — no small accomplishment as our society drifts toward bland authoritarianism. To be sure, there is money to be made in ignoring this drift, in remaining beholden to libertarian corporatism.” Hanson O’Haver’s “A Crime and a Pastime” piece looks at the underbelly of the skateboard business and its eerie house-of-cards-isms.

…anndd Boil the Ocean has some red pill / blue pill thing about Steely Dan songs, alternate realities, Scott Johnston’s Let the Horns Blow part, and idk man.

New London clip from the POP boys. That nosegrind revert / 3x flat tricks / switch nosegrind revert line reminds me of something that would’ve been in an old 411.

Another volume of Elkin raw tapes, this time with Dre and Josh cameos ♥

Frankie Spears is the first person to get a clip on that new-ish Battery Park double-set.

Some Canadians offer up one of the first entries to what will no doubt be an eventful “Summer Trip to New York” clip season. What % of people appearing in S.T.T.N.Y. clips do you think end up moving here? Thirty five? Eighty?

The rail is back in front of the ledge over the six at FedEx.

Quote of the Week: “Party footage only counts in nightvision.” — Pryce Holmes

Would embed something from Beast Mode 2, but this about covered it.

One Day It’ll Be Summer

Photo via @mvrcog. Shout out to Humidity and everyone in New Orleans.

The past week has been BRUTAL for rounding up content pertinent to the interests of our office. Everyone kinda needs it to be warm again — I don’t think a single piece of non-Instagram footage from New York emerged in the last seven days besides Dick Rizzo’s switch front shove over the can wearing a Hardbody hoody in the Huf video

That and Young Jeezy, this website’s longtime spiritual guide, announced that he will be retiring. Though he taught us all we need to know to continue on this journey of life long ago, we can’t deny the melancholy feeling that fell over our staff last week.

How many times did everyone watch *the* Louie Lopez wallie video before they figured out what he actually did?

As they countdown to whenever their video is supposed to be proven real, Quasi has a photo feature over on Heaps Chat from a filming trip down in Miami.

“You already know about that Dirty Ghetto Kids Skateboards but we talking about that Alltimers Skateboards thing.” Wish this video was 5x as long, but Tyler Warren made a wrap-up video of the most recent Alltimers trip down to — you guessed it — Miami.

“As the ‘#MeToo’ movement claims celebrity scalps and forces industries from media to politics into uncomfortable self-examinations, the increasingly upward-mobile skateboarding biz might ponder its own richly checkerboarded past.” Boil the Ocean examines what happens when people come forward about enigmatic, storied skateboarders get revealed to be jocks in today’s contentious climate.

He also wrote some existential shit about “Christmas completes” too.

The Bunt’s latest episode is with onetime QS contributor, Ted Barrow.

We threw some odd sizes and leftovers from the holidays on sale in the webstore.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: While the majority of Americans tuned into 60 Minutes yesterday to watch an interview with a lady of the night about her time spent with an orange man, afterwards, there was a segment that told the story of Giannis Antnteteoektekompo that will melt your heart and make you happy.

Quote of the Week: “Today, I started thinking about how much money I’ve spent on caesar salads in my life” — Pryce Holmes

Happy birthday Connor Champion! ♥

Happy Rihanna’s Birthday Eve!

Today is Washington’s birthday, but the queen’s 30th is tomorrow! We are going to stick to a Rihanna’s 30th resolution of no more late Monday Links posts! Ain’t none of us perfect, I hope it was worth it.

Zered Bassett’s seafood tower cruiser will be available on Alltimers.com tomorrow. They shot a quick Insta commercial for it, which you can watch here.

Jesse Alba has a chill new iPhone edit up with footage from the past couple months.

30 seconds new Gino footage from the Astoria Park and Roslyn Banks.

QS-office fave, Dave Caddo, has been been posting some outer borough gems on IG.

Somehow missed this one when it went live just over a week ago: Nick Michel, the dude who boardslid the double-rail across from the mini double-sets at Battery Park (#QSTOP10, a few weeks back) has an amazing new part up on Thrasher, which features the VX angle of trick in question plus a trick at the ride-on rail spot that’s not on the ride-on rail! Battery Park MVP 2k18.

Didn’t even know this was in the works — TWS made a documentary about Skateboarder magazine, which was the first ever skate mag. The “trailer” basically plays like the first seven minutes of the doc itself.

Muska tells the story of when him at Stevie Williams hung out with Michael Jackson at Neverland. (“C’mon man, this kid is ten years old — he don’t remember Thriller. ‘the fuck you wanna meet Michael Jackson for?”)

Mark Gonzales skates Owl’s Head Park with R.B. Umali for a Pro-Tec commercial.

Ten Person Crew Unanimously Disagrees on Meet-Up Spot.” Forever #mood.

Two more Stop Fakin’ 3 parts: D.C. Streets montage + Kevin Augustine’s part.

Old clip, new upload…Orchard’s day trip around New York for 2014’s All City Showdown to a Steely Dan classic.

Boil the Ocean has a weird one about skaters investing in things and animal enslavement. 2018 is odd.

The Bunt is back with a new Chima episode.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: J.R. Smith with a beautiful full-court…pass?

Quote of the Week: “Do you think we’d be more into Takeshi 69 if we still skated the back of Union Square?” — Pryce Holmes

Love Your Boys

Please donate whatever you can spare to P-Stone’s Memorial Fund.

Manuel Schenck has a new all-Parisian edit for Supreme to commemorate their upcoming Nike SB Air Force 2. Features Nik Stain (!!!), Vince, Sage, Sean, K.B., Kyron Davis and Koston returning to gap skating at my favorite spot in the world.

The battle of the century. See everyone in Montreal this weekend?

Café Creme has a new interview with my favorite Wilson brother. It’s weird how QS has ran interviews for my second favorite Wilson, in addition to my third favorite Wilson brother, but we never got around to #1.

New Era has a lifestyle-ish clip with Tyshawn Jones pushing around Soho and Tribeca. You likely already caught it, but the Hardies Australia clip featuring T.J, Troy, K.B, Chopped Cheese, etc. is a good time as well.

“But even in his most powerful Diamond t-shirt, Chaz Ortiz can’t carry 2.7 million souls on his back alone.” Boil the Ocean reviews Realm, the latest video from Chicago’s Deep Dish crew, which came out last month.

Tennyson Corporation put together every appearance Rick Howard and Mike Carroll ever had in an issue of 411 to a four-song mega mix.

C.J. Keossaian, Sean Dahlberg, Hugo Boserup, Andrew Wilson, Nik Stain and John Choi traveled to the Westerly and Groton skateparks in Connecticut, and came back with “Jet Fueled Hog.” We did that once. Good times.

Frontside 5050 to nosemanual is maybe the last trick anyone expected to see on Pyramid Ledges from that period where the one side was unknobbed.

Heaps Chat interviewed A.V.E. about his favorite restaurants and least favorite streets.

Amazing they even got to ten — Village Psychic re: the ten best backside feebles on ledges. We’re particularly offended Torey’s Baby Steps ender got left out, but Canadian skate gods are used to being neglected by the #fakenews media by now.

Mark Wetzel’s Static IV part is now online. (Also an experimental 5050 guy.)

Assuming everyone already caught the 13-minute Hotel Blue promo that was on Thrasher by now? Nick also uploaded a quick bit of new Powers footage on IG.

Mac Kelly’s Terminally Chill 3 was a fun watch.

A talent for fakie hardflips and a song from a rapper who never had his music used in a skate video before, via Jeremy Murray’s 1/2 D.C. 1/2 New York Good Grief part.

Quote of the Week: “There’s nothing worse than having to explain a t-shirt to someone.” — Pryce Holmes

Who you got?

  • Wade (52%, 208 Votes)
  • Tiago (48%, 194 Votes)

Total Voters: 402

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My Favorite Skater Got A 5S With The Screen Cracked

R.I.P. Shorty’s, a place that showed the world the positive power of skateboarders adopting a forgotten corner of the world, and being left the hell alone in it. QS is hardly a transition skating-based enterprise, but there was something magical about each and every visit we took out there, even if it barely involved skateboarding on some days. Grateful to have been a part of it in some tiny way. Thanks to Andrew and all of the boys, and best of luck on the next chapter.

The Orchard boys have some nice items on eBay to support the Roll For Rob fundraiser.

It has been a slow news week out there. Links to Instagram clips: 1) The front noseslide on a foot-and-a-half high ledge heard around the world. 2) The double heelflip in Spiridons currently reverberating around the world. 3) Jake.

“You wanted a skate shoe that you and Sheffey could go to the club in.” “That’s the goal, yeah.” A lot of guys who started brands give interviews about starting brands, but Sal Barbier is a guy who you should listen to if you want to hear a guy give insight on starting brands. Thanks for the shout out man ♥

I’ve heard friends who don’t skate anymore and barely follow skateboarding say Jamie Foy is their favorite skater. Can’t knock that one. He’s got a couple New York clips in this Jenkem video of a recent Diamond trip.

“Does US sports apparel manufacturer New Balance and its ‘Tricolor’ executive production team deserve credit and reciprocal shoe-purchasing decisions for coaxing forth the most complete PJ Ladd video section since the Iraq war’s onset?” — Boil the Ocean re: the rumored-to-be PJ Ladd part in the upcoming New Balance video.

We let Crazy T take over the QS IG story last Thursday, and couldn’t let the fun fade into oblivion after 24 hours. Still watch the Eminem video five times a day.

Hockey has a 30-second commercial to commemorate Ben Kadow turning pro.

So glad to see friends from Vine shredding New York on other video sharing platforms.

Thanks to everyone who supported the QS For Street Machine project. Some stuff still left on the webstore. Anyone who ordered over the weekend should be getting a shipping confirmation in the next 24-48 hours :)

Quote of the Week: “Lil’ Uzi is rap Blink 182.” — Pryce Holmes

Slllllloooooowwwwwww week out there guys ¯\_(ツ)_/¯