Photo via The Homie
Jim Hodgson, the guy behind In Absentia, released another short video of unseen Hi-8 footage with appearances from Puleo, German, etc. and practically a mini Andy Bautista part. R.I.P. Hoboken Ledges.
The new LurkNYC video, Strangers, is online in full. Ben Kadow’s ender is really cool. Also ICYMI, NY Skateboarding has an interview with Nick about his video series.
“You can’t kill me, I’m a zombie.” This new eight-minute video interview with Quim Cardona goes through his whole career as a pro skateboarder.
Ten honorable mentions for “Part of the Year” from Boil the Ocean. Rich gang.
Fuck the Taliban. #girlpower
Yo, shout out to all my artists out there: Ride has a feature on the origin of the Powell skull and sword logo, Slam City Skates interviews Glen E. Friedman, VHS Mag interviews Evan Hecox, the guy who designed your favorite series of Chocolate boards, and who has a really expensive book for sale on Amazon :(
Spencer Hamilton did a no comply trick that everyone will be doing this spring, and skated to “Wipe Me Down,” one of recent history’s finest Song of the Summer Winners.
Ever wonder about the dietary regiment behind New York’s Most Productive Crew™?
Dude, like, vert on street though, dude.
Skate and Annoy has some tips in the event that you find yourself in the jungles of Costa Rica, but not on account of your plug or anything.
Another clip from the Long Island City Coda T.F. to some Creedence for all the working men out there. Here is ten seconds of Jake footage from there too, why not.
Much in the vein of how that Mike Carroll “S.O.T.Y.” web edit from a few weeks ago is chronically overlooked, Kalis’ mini-part in the DC Video bonus montage always flew under the radar (2:10 mark.) No idea why so much of this got left out of the actual video:
Stuff you’ve seen already: Zered is the best, Aaron Herrington’s “Off the Grid at Union Square, Andrew Wilson’s Paych part, a highlight reel from this year’s All City Showdown in New York, Brad Cromer’s Outliers part.
The bro Jersey Dave is having a photo show at the Hoboken NJ Skateshop location this Saturday, January 17. 7-9 P.M. Flyer here. Maybe Justin White will be there? First twenty people to purchase the book will receive a complimentary tote bag.
Define “successfully.”
Got this update about the Fat Kid spot the other day. Thanks to Macauley for the tip.
There’s a German guy with a blonde streak in his hair on the Atlanta Hawks — known in some circles as “Baby Rondo” — who used to skate, but like, actually used to skate.
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Volleyball edition.
Quote of the Week: “My son Johnny Depp stay getting wild typecast.” — Boss Bauer
We’ll be out of town for the week, but updates will continue as usual. Check last year’s coverage here.