Postcard From Milan — Pietro Bontà’s “LA VIDEOPART DI BILLY”

Every now and then, a part pops out of nowhere and makes you go: well, goddamn.

Our boy Matteo Ricci, a onetime lensman for Milan’s Meaningless Productions outfit, sent this one of Pietro “Billy” Bontà over this morning. Filmed over the past few years in Milan, it’s four minutes of the type of skating that makes you want to start writing in Thrasher captions: Raw! Speed! Power! Creativity! Rawr!

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Ruben Spelta’s ‘Mamma Mia’ Part

We first met Ruben on a QS family trip to Italy back in 2016. Milan has a tight-knit and friendly skate scene — it feels like a lot of it revolves around Milano Centrale and the Chef Family crew. He and his friends were kind enough to show us around their city when we summoned the willpower to leave an absolutely perfect plaza spot. When a spot is that good, you willfully forget that the whole “exploring the city”-thing is a big part of skate trips. (Colleagues echo our sentiments.)

We visited Milan again a year later. On the train-ride into Centrale (yes, the train from the airport drops you off at Italy’s best skate spot), I remembered out loud, “Oh, I should probably DM Ruben and let him know we’re coming.”

“Don’t worry, he’ll already be there,” a mutual friend replied.

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