Photo via @whatisnewyork
Rest in Peace, New York City payphones ❤️
Why go to Greece like all the other skate crews, when you can go to a hell-like planet that rains lava in the night footy? (Nah, jk – Greece is pretty dope.)
We’re up to 80 spots! Just added Dustin Eggeling’s “Reggaeton” part for Village Psychic (as in…the ledges, not the music genre) to the QS One-Spot Part Map. Includes guest tricks from Kyler Garrison, Brian Scherer + Keith Denley.
Frankie Decker talks Vegas, late shuvs, and the “Evan Frankie” ender in his new interview for Heckride. (Does anyone remember what edit the backside flip down the Canal and Division set at the Manhattan Bridge is?)