Holiday QS stuff arriving at U.S. shops now. Online soon. Europe + Asia + Canada should be arriving this week. Much love for the support as always
The quality + quantity of footage Antonio got in one day of skating downtown L.A. for an Insta clip promoting a Dunk collab does a decent job of capturing his magic. Kinda felt like a more lo-def edition of those Numbers edits they were dropping in the late 2010s.
Our friends at Classic Grip dropped a new edit: “Basgrain 700k.”
Thrasher posted their photo feature from Supreme’s Play Dead video online for all those who didn’t catch the print issue, with captions from Ben Kadow. “This concludes bump-to-can skating.”
Pro skater / hockey player / tennis player / jump roper Gino Iannucci is the latest subject of Thrasher‘s “Out There” series.
Pat Hoblin dropped a part with Place filmed in New York over the course of five days, full of cutty spots and cramped spaces.