Whole Lotta Links

Didn’t do a Q.S.S.O.T.Y. thing last year, but obvs it would’ve been Brandon Turner — hard to think of a more inspirational moment in skateboarding from 2020 than him rolling away from Wallenburg. Jenkem has a 15-minute mini doc about Brandon’s journey back to full health and sobriety. Watching him return to that bridge is nuts.

Here’s a YouTube comp of T.J. footage off the Thrasher Instagram from the summer, which is just him cruising around midtown and Soho. Those middle of Broome Street lines are so sick.

A couple New York clips in Thomas Dritsas’ new part for Thunder. The bench to Big Belly trashcan on Wall and Water Street has fully turned into a full-fledged marquee spot this past year, huh? Shout out to the contractor who installed the mailboxes at the ender. Looks sturdy.

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Which Celebrity Allegedly Got Bit in the Face Outside of Max Fish?

Classic” • Photo via Nik Stain

Another addition to the “wish this was 4x as long”-pile: just under a minute of Kevin Bradley and Alice Coltrane, via Johnny Wilson.

“For this reason, any alternative headspace that can be conjured by a Palestinian, is a radical form of resistance.” Medium has a photo feature and article about the growing skate scene in Palestine.

The Poetic Collective video is online in full. Wtf is Poetic Collective? Funny you should ask

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