It’s Supposed To Bubble

Hey Man 📷 Photo via Anthony Asfour

HEADLOCK is a new brand pushing the Atlanta skate scene, and Justin Hearn got behind the lens to make the inaugural edit of his crew for it, aptly titled “In A Headlock.”

W O W. Our friends at 4PLY ran all the data to quantify why Yuto Horigome is The One. “He doesn’t have a single “go-to” trick. He’s got the talent to ‘go-to’ all the tricks.”

Just a great, old-fashioned hometown skateshop video part: Hollywood Martinez for Southside Skateshop x Spitfire Wheels to a Pimp and Bun classic 🥲We wanna send this one out to Whodini.”

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Da Fam On Da Gram


Photo via Brian Kelley

If you need some motivation to help you power through the week, Khaled has a new Breakfast Club interview. He’s been meditating, swimming, and is considering flying.

This was awesome: Jim Hodgson uploaded a “lost” German Nieves part from 1997. Great watch, especially considering there aren’t a ton of all New York-based full parts from back then. R.I.P. Hoboken Ledges favorite skater’s part from Life is Goodie is now online. Buy a DVD copy of the video here.

The two guys who skated from Boston to New York are skating somewhere far again.

It’s gotta be amazing to live in a place that closes down a legendary skate spot (that’s utilized by absolutely no one else), promises to build a skatepark in exchange, and somehow doesn’t completely fuck it up. That place has something like ~20% unemployment for people under 25 and also feels like a Groundhog’s Day-esque vortex after a while, but hey man, you can sk8.

Greg Hunt broke down how terrible the process of clearing music rights for skate videos is. Yo but you don’t gotta clear that shit for the Gram tho.

Brian Anderson and Mark Gonzales made a downtown to midtown bro cam clip.

Zoo is reissuing Matt Reason’s Keys deck. All the proceeds go to Matt’s family.

Boom game next level down in Virginia.

Another YouTube compilation from a classic skate spot! Real life.

Phil Rodriguez in slow motion at the Forrest Hills park.

Is pontificating on Koston skateboarding’s version of pontificating on Kobe?

A bunch of the Bronze dudes + Rich Homie Quan + San Francisco.

Confused because a) why is Vogue covering skate products? and b) how dare they snub Alex Olson from Bianca Chandon?

Shorty’s made it outside, past the walls.

$82,000 Snacks.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Courtside angle of Rose’s Game 3 winner. Glad to see the dude doing what he was doing when he was the youngest MVP in league history. Rooting for him, but that series is probably going to seven games…

Quote of the Week: “In all honesty, Daniel Lutheran had my favorite part.” — Pryce Holmes

Young Thug and Rich Homie Quan aren’t making music together anymore but he’s making music with Jamie xx? These rappers, man :(

Who Do You Skate With in the City When I’m Not There?


Season starts this week :) Daylight-saving time ends next week :(

1) You can buy copies of Johnny Wilson’s new video, Paych, for $10 here. Labor is supposed to be getting copies this week. The DVD also includes Beef Patty. 2) Living up to the “Most Productive Crew” trademark, those dudes already have another video on the way. 3) It’s mad sad that the VX is dead yo.

Amazing: Drunk dude calls cops on skateboarders, ends up getting arrested himself.

The bro Lil’ Lui has a video check out on the TWS site. Features footage of the 29th Street ollie from last week’s Monday headliner image.

Can’t remember the last time a part ended with a switch front shuv. What a great trick.

Not only are clubs likely seeing higher revenues on Tuesdays, skate videos are also getting made to commemorate 2014’s most on-trend day of the week.

SMLTalk listi-cized their five favorite friends sections. A notable snub / personal favorite is the one at the end of Mixtape, which pretty much nails the vibe you want any friends montage to have, not to mention features maybe the second best 360 flip ever done. Also, the Blind section from Virtual Reality belongs there off G.P. Mariano’s trick is incredible no matter what decade you’re talking about.

New Juicy Elbows clip up on YouTube. The ender is wild.

The 181st Street Park got a fresh paint job for its first birthday:

Rick Howard is on magazine covers again.

Gino + Dill + Kool G Rap + Manolo remix to commemorate new partnerships.

Backing the #musicsupervision in the new Matt Miller part.

Skating for Polar seems like it requires more heavy lifting than any other sponsorship.

Hjalte v.s. Aaron Herrington v.s. Joseph Delgado v.s. Brian Clarke in S-K-8.

Happy Halloween from Quan and Thug.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Bogut figured out how to throw mini Kevin Love passes now?

Quote of the Week:


Rest in Peace Matt Reason. One of the main reasons people use the phrase “east coast” as an adjective to describe skateboarding.