Photo via Brian Kelley on Instagram
Frozen in Carbonite puts young Americans’ declining interest in automobiles into consideration while making the case for the Honda Civic being the archetypical skate car. “The mountains of cash that pros collected during the late 90s shoe/board sale boom sounded the death knell for the Civic, as dudes could now afford luxury automobiles. The Muskalade in Feedback was the tipping point here, followed by Kalis’ infamous BMW. This trend culminated in Jereme Rogers’ Aston Martin, the repossession of which symbolized the current industry contraction.” R.I.P. Skate cars.
You guys can all stop posting Instagram videos now, because there will never be anything this good on the skateboard-themed corner of the the ‘Gram ever again. O.T.T. posts way more on Vine anyway. R.I.P. Instagram Video.
Zombie movie-themed New York skateboarding from the mid-90s. R.I.P. BAM.
Here are volumes 200 and 201 of the Beef Patty crew’s video blog series, here’s volume eight of throwaways from the Death Video crew, and here is volume six of Billy Rohan’s “Illumignarly” craze cam series.
Waters and Army found a new teamrider from E-Block, who does one of the more impressive J. Kwon lines ever (that’s saying a lot…), and then stops by New York for a few more impressive maneuvers.
“Dweeb,” the new mini video from the time travelers that brought you “Twomanji,” lets us know that Billy McFeely’s Solo Jazz part was actually filmed in 1994, and later re-filmed in 2013.
As the season for “Summer Trip to New York” clips begins to wind down, some Australians come through with a clip of their northeast corridor-spanning vacation, which contains a few good nollie back heels and frontside flips.
Does this have anything to do with the fact that skateboarders typically don’t learn how to skateboard in the middle of a major city street?
There’s something reassuring in knowing that George Clooney uses the word “dude.”
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: This happening in Miami and not at an away game made it so much sweeter.
Quote of the Week: “You’re the first person to ever walk out of this building holding a book.” — Pookie to T-Bird regarding 21 Spring Street. Also, FYI 4 da ladies.
Enter the 36 Chambers turned twenty this past weekend. Now would be a good time to stop making Wu-Tang “parody” logos and editing skate clips to songs off it.