Rodney by Reda, behind Pyramid Ledges from the June 1998 TWS via Ted Newsome’s “New York Minute” spreads. This spot would be extra contemporary today had it not been knobbed for ~two decades.
“Words are escaping me, you’re talking about people I have a strong emotional connection to.” Torey Goodall’s Bunt interview is reaffirming proof of the fact that if you just go on enough drunken trips to New York, things sometimes just kinda work out in the end ♥ Just don’t ask him how he feels about Charles Rivard…
Idk what you’re doing if you haven’t watched Justin Henry’s Quasi video “Rough Cut” yet. Good bit of New York clips obvs, etc.
“Don’t mansplain tricks. Get out of here, you’re taking the fun out of skating. If you just go away, I’ll be so much happier. Half the fun of learning is doing it yourself.” Imagine having the audacity of giving Lacey Baker unsolicited trick tips. Anthony “The Writer” Pappalardo wrote an extended profile of Lacey for Huck magazine.
Shout out to every “Summer Trip to New York” clip with no Blue Park footage :) Here’s a nine-minute one from the Sk8 Hop dudes out of Puerto Rico, featuring some Watermelon Alex cameos!
Always great to see new Juan and Karl footage (that nollie nosegrind revert!) — here they are in the Yoan Taillandier’s latest “Futur Timeline” clip, skating an undecipherable European city ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Would probably leave Milano Centrale off a “hidden plazas” listicle (this one in Turin, on the other hand…), but Theories has a feature about Europe’s best, non-Spanish/Southbank/Republique/obvious plazas. We out to Bulgaria?
“Bontó” is the latest from the Rios boys, Europe’s most productive crew, and specialists in skating spots that I have absolutely zero interest in ever skating ;)
Boil the Ocean considers the enduring legacy of Haulin’ Ass To Hall & Oats.
Luis Tolentino and Leo Heinert skate the 181st Street park for an afternoon. That park is actually a street spot btw.
Antosh put together a quick street edit of our friends in Vancouver.
Skate Jawn flew out to Morocco to help build a skatepark. Here’s the video.
Quote of the Week: “Imagine how mean Torey would be if he had boobs.” — Julia Kidder
This album arrived and went with a whimper when it came out, but now it’s a few degrees cooler and this is the only song the office listens to.