Josh Velez: Summer Madness Part For Inkwell Commons

Collect anything — records, skateboards, sneakers — long enough past early adulthood, and eventually, you reach a point where you have a big, dusty mass of matter in your apartment. Upon realizing he was a decade into stacking shoeboxes of Jordans in his house, Josh had dilemma. But he was the latest entry on Forbes magazine’s “Youngest Billionaires” list — he wasn’t about to sell his sneakers to a bunch of nerds on the internet. Who has the time for that shit?

And so, he began skating through his collection for this part. (The 5s are apparently the best ones.) Happy 29th Josh ♥

Filmed by Andre Page and J.P. Blair. Edited by Cruzctrl a.k.a. Eric Cruz.

Previously: Wavey Wings, Djosh Unchained