Trade Deadline


Yoooooo, obvs we out, but summer on Friday 4real.

#Surfboard Vines had a good run, but they’re officially done. This guy won.

Holy switch hardflip. Anyone else feel tempted to go buy a pink crewneck now?

Even in winter, the most productive skate crew in New York is still putting out three-minute montages. Fashion goes in cycles, so it makes sense that people are skating Verizon Banks again, albeit between hundreds of knobs.

It’s awesome that Chrome Ball never really shut down; it still has better interviews than everywhere else. The latest post-faux-mortem installment is with Reese Forbes, one of the most frequent recipients of “You had to see him skate in real life to really get it“-honors. Also, these ads were great.

Before you get too nostalgic about the nineties…(BTW, Blind jeans are back.)

A new part from history’s most prolific half cab boardslider, Jersey Dave.

Any clip with a Z-Ro song in it gets an automatic post. Still waiting for someone to skate to this

“Snowboarders, like, see the world differently, dude.”

The new all-night, short sleeve heavy montage from the Haha Funtime crew is going to make you really sad about the state of outdoor activity right now.

New Albany-centric video from Jeremy Jordan and friends.

Still Scummin’ is a cool 40-minute bro cam video of Jersey dudes skating around known haunts of the New York region. Austin Kanfoush’s part did it justice, but it’s perfectly reasonable to use “Fuck That Shit” in every single skate video that gets put out for the remainder of skateboarding’s existence.

ICYMI: Just like Robocop (or something?), Traffic Skateboards got rebooted. They have a new montage out that features Luke Malaney footage :)

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Gotta be Waiters v.s. Hardaway J.R. in the rookie-sophomore game.

Quote of the Week: “I never thought switch skating was going to catch on. I’d tell people they’re better off investing their money in laser discs.” — Justin Barnes

metro boomin

Beanies are sold out until next winter. Thanks to anyone out there wearing one xoxo.

‘Beef and Broccoli with No Broccoli’


You should pre-order your copy of the FTC book now.

Someone put together a remix part with a lot of Dennis Busenitz’s post-Since Day One footage. Did anyone else miss that China Banks manual sequence? Not sure how that one slipped under the radar. Wow.

Okay, so maybe a “Paine’s Park for L.E.S. or Astoria” trade is still a debatable topic, but how many New York parks would you trade for this new plaza in Vienna?

Ageless ledge mastermind, Enrique Lorenzo, is a part of a new Spanish skateboard company called Louw and has a quick section of high-brow ledge dancing at the 3:10 mark of their intro video.

Weiger’s part in the last Nike video is way better than you probably remember. Watch the musicless version or put some fashion forward Future shit on for it. “I’m moving on, I’m moving on, ain’t no more Louis Vuitton.”

The loop has left the vert skating world! Now that a street-variant of the loop exists, the countdown for the first person to do it begins. So, if Jake Johnson did it — it’d be surprising — but it wouldn’t be that surprising, right?

Did Forrest Edwards teach Jamie Thomas to enjoy life again?”

Empty bottle of Jack under the bench BGPs n’ stuff.

Jersey Dave takes photos now.

One week after condemning post-2013 usage of songs from Enter the 36 Chambers for skate clips, we’re going to go ahead and link this ten-minute video DC put together about…36 Chambers and skateboarding. It’s basically the video version of this (“skaters like raw shit!”) and turns into a bit of a DC puff piece towards the end, but they do manage to interview Gino, Kareem, Jeff Pang, etc. Are skate media outlets already planning content around the twenty-year anniversary of Lifestyles of the Poor and Dangerous A.K.A. “The Most Edited-To Rap Album of All-Time” in two years?

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Can we get Sheed in the 2014 dunk contest?

Quote of the Week:

short boarding bro

Via Pat O’Dell’s Instagram

There are a lot of the question marks in this post. We’re just curious.

Fashionably Late Links

cara delevingne dkny

Cara Delevingne gets “garbage fashion ad with a skateboard” Monday Links headline honors this year because she has good taste in cruisers, or, uh, “cookie boards.”

Happy second half of Fashion Week, guys! Sorry we could not procure a dedicated post in its honor this year. You could still check out past editions though.

For all the bums too broke to have supported a $10 video: Check out future New Jersey Senator, Jersey Dave (A.K.A. The White Corey Booker) in Outdated.

Pietrasanta, Italy, one of the epicenters of the marble industry, is making a skatepark entirely out of recycled white marble. Add the Italians to the #smart list.

Here are a ton of sick photos featuring tricks that appeared in Beef Patty.

A (previously unseen?) alternate long lens angle of Brian Wenning’s one-time “Most Important Switch 360 Flip Ever Done.”

A few notes on the incredible Marcus McBride Manolo Mixtape: 1) He skated to “Livin’ in the Bay,” which is the same song from the Lavar McBride’s Greatest Misses compilation part. It doesn’t do much to alleviate the chronic underuse of nineties Bay Area rap in skate videos (particularly when edited alongside identical eras in skating), but it’s cool he used “My Opinion” for the end section. When is someone gonna skate to “Sick Wit Tis?” 2) Do you think he just showed up to Pier 7 on random days and decided to try tricks over the blocks mid-session, or came to the spot intending to nollie back heel one? 3) One of the most glaring omissions from the nineties skate gear #listicle that was linked last week is blow up sport brand logo shirts, as exemplified by the black Starter shirt worn for the heelflip back 5050 down Hubba Hideout. (See also: Fila and Nike Air logo shirts in Keenan’s 20 Shot Sequence part.)

Grey Skate Mag interviewed Joey Pepper about South Bank, Huf and Aesthetics.

The switch crook in Zered’s new Spitfire commercial is kinda nuts.

Pontus Alv’s Parisian jump ramp clip for Converse has been getting some rave reviews. Even if its on the artsy side, it’s great to see a tradition that began with Goldfish, and continued into Yeah Right! get revived.

A summer montage from the young’ns via Kasper. They don’t leave the skatepark much, but at least they devised the most progressive use of a Citibike thus far.

QS Sports Desk: If some NBA administrator wanted to ruin the Knicks season, they could easily just drug test J.R. Smith every five games

Quote of the Week: “You guys are ruining benches that cost millions of dollars.” — A Fort Greene cop regarding two recycled plastic benches. Good thing he became a cop and not an architect.

The site has been acting up for the past couple of days, hence the late day update. Please leave a comment or send an e-mail/tweet/FB message/etc. if you notice any lingering errors. Thanks.

In SoHo with Pryce & Marty…


Photo via Pad Dowd

Gear still available in the webstore. Also available from Lost Art if you are in the U.K. and from Frisco in the Netherlands if you need that European shipping. Should be available from Boneyard Supply for anyone in Australia soon. Our new stuff probably won’t debut during fall fashion week, but it’ll be out sometime in the fall.

Monday links got moved to Tuesday because yesterday was Bronze day.

OMG, a Jersey Dave mini part for NJ Skateshop. He went to Europe!

Boil the Ocean defends Mikey Taylor’s often-maligned tenure on Alien Workshop.

Not far from the Prudential Center in Newark, where this past Sunday’s Street League finals were taking place, the governor of New Jersey, Fred Gall, was hosting the second annual Scum League. (Here’s last year’s installment.)

Scum League participant, Justin Strubing, skates around New York with Kenny Anderson, Zered, etc. and talks about how moving here was a “great” career move.

Another raw footage log from John Wilson and the Beef Patty crew. And here’s “Veggie Patty,” a new montage from the Skate Jawn crew.

It seems like #listicles really began picking up steam on the skateboard-internet, because Mountain Dew launched an entire site devoted to them. Here’s one about the recent flood of new companies.

Does Connor Champion’s North Carolina heritage mean that he is permanently stuck skating to Petey Pablo’s “Raise Up” in every new video part he puts out? Why do Dan Murphy and Justin Brock not suffer from the same problem?

A new 2013 skate video from 1993 featuring many Bronze affiliates.

Did you really think Florida was going to take the rest of 2013 off from being the worst state in the country? Think again.

Quote of the Week: “Yo, I left my chopped cheese in your car. Can you bring it to work with you tomorrow?” — Andre Page

Congratulations to Pryce and Martin for being the first QS associates to get shouted out on a rap mixtape.

Extended Winter Viewing: Stop Fakin’ 2 (in full)

dave fs nose wny

Jersey David. Photo by Jason Lecras.

With another log thrown on the “OMG is Mark Suciu #authentic?” fire today (and with no visible start of spring in sight), we would like to momentarily redirect your attention to another Philadelphia-area media institution. Stop Fakin’ 2 came out last summer, and you’ve likely seen some of its sections, as it was released via the “Few parts on YouTube, $10 for the DVD” business model favored by independent skate video directors today. It was the first independent project of 2012 to propel the “Love Park is back” narrative, while also serving as a reminder that Pulaski Park never left.

The entire video is now online in full. While we have fawned over Mark Suciu’s unprecedented footage-gathering capabilities, we have too easily forgotten that Stop Fakin’ 2 boasted one of three parts that Jersey Dave released in 2012. And in the realm of cameos: Sabotage may have had a switch 360 flipping Brian Wenning’s return to Love Park, but it sure as hell didn’t feature an appearance from the far more legendary Mr. Z.

If you’re an old soul and still want the DVD, you can buy it here.