Salute to any brave souls skating today. Supposed to hit almost 100.
Josh Stewart uploaded Quim Cardona’s Static IV part to YouTube this weekend.
“By the time the 1980s rolled around, neurotic Americans had a myriad of threats from which to choose, including annihilation via thermonuclear war with the Soviet Union, drugs, and lil’ old Satan—vis-à-vis metal. Interestingly, all three of these all-consuming fears produced timeless art, i.e. Red Dawn, Rocky IV, Straight Outta Compton, and the 101 Natas “Devil Worship” board. Frozen in Carbonite examines the relationship between satanic iconography and skateboarding.
“[Ricky Oyola] had no pop. He had some tricks but he was a jock, man. He was good but he wasn’t Fred Gall.” Chromeball interviewed Brooklyn native, Ryan Hickey.
Big week for opinions re: Oyola. Bobshirt interviewed Danny Garcia. And nobody sit here and talk like Chad Fernandez hasn’t altered the course of skateboard history.
The Shady One™ has a website up for his new brand: Iggy.nyc.
The new Sour promo gets our best Euro vid of 2016 [thus far] nod. Friday’s QS Top Ten had bits of it, but that full Gustav Tonneson part is awesome.
A video interview with Philly Santosuosso that breaks down the realities of running a skateshop. [Sidebar: Ok, we got a “Married to the Game” instrumental, but could we please get one of the Esco Terrestrial intro without all the talking over it?]
Midtown, 2010-2014 via Hit You Off Management to Bernard Herrman’s last film score.
Taji / Vice skated a bunch of Trump buildings with Leo, Billy, etc. — but somehow missed the one on 47th and 1st Avenue that Matt Daniels 5050ed the sign at in his Outdated part (fwiw, it probably has the best skate spot out of any Trump building, but those benches on 60th and Broadway were fire when we were like, 13.)
Chill summer iPhone video via Jesse Alba with some Paul Tucci sightings :)
The Seasons boys are premiering a new video on the 23rd.
Wallies on moving Citibikes and people starting to skate the Dumbo bump to hill / 2006 Spot of the Summer again Evan Dittig’s HYD part.
YO, what the hell is the deal with that Fat Kid Skatepark? It seems like it has looked like this for the past half year plus. This would be an ideal time of year for elsewhere to take some of the crowd that makes its way to L.E.S. by noon, or like, nice to have another skatepark with some shade. Who’s got the insider info? They may as well have let the manny pad, rail and benches run for the summer…
Quote of the Week: “People ask what the 25¢ on my shirt means and I tell them that’s what my checking account says.” — Dylgr
♫ The shrimp is coming… ♫