Hjalte Halberg For Frog Skateboards!

[A.K.A. The third post in which we try to squeeze water out of a rock by making it about The Triangle™ because this clip has the last footage ever filmed on it.]

Faced with the truth that Pontus Alv is in great cardiovascular health, Hjalte Halberg did the next best thing to sending Frog his coveted sponsor-me tape: he endorsed a Frog guest board. And so, in an age where prominent leadership positions in the free world start out as jokes, we begin a fruitful journey by which Frog gradually absorbs the Danish athlete and 2014 Q.S.S.O.T.Y. Max Palmer into its official roster.

The clip of Hjalte’s New York trip is the only thing Pryce was looking forward to more than Swaecation. Filmed during the most productive two weeks of autumn 2k17. Can’t wait for Franco’s pro board. Guest tricks from Max Palmer, Aaron Loreth, Andrew Wilson, Genny, Vert God, Franco, Jawn Gardner, etc.

Edited by Jason Byoun. Board and new stuff available over on the Frog site.

Previously:Frog in China,” “Frog HD (my g)

Just Throwing Rocks

jr smith tweet

*We only care about J.R* *Not an official Cavs endoresement* *We only care about J.R*

Obvious first link: Three minutes of Rick Howard B-sides from the past ~five years.

The always brilliant Tennyson Corporation compiled all of Kalis and Stevie’s footage to appear in issues of 411 into fuzzy feeling remix video. Yo all those flip tricks, wow.

2016 Q.S.S.O.T.Y Daniel Kim London footage via “Regulate 005” from Jenkem.

Mark Humienik made a six-minute Hi8 (?) montage of the Bronze boys.

“Man, I’m just trying to live. I ain’t trying to pay no fucking dues. You only pay dues if you want something out of it. I’m not paying anything. I just want to be able to wake up and be able to go skateboard every day.” — An interview with Philly Santosuosso from Humidity Skateshop for Real’s Actions Realized fundraiser.

Damn, so if the 2015 #trendwatch was backside 360ing out of 5050s, is the 2017 #trendwatch doing that no comply backside 360 where your foot doesn’t touch the ground out of 5050s? Who can even keep up man ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

“The resulting photos are personal and gorgeous, using LOVE as a subject to tell its own, final chapter and representing the parable of American urbanism: nothing lasts forever.” Adam Abada re: Jonathan Rentschler’s book on the final years of Love Park.

Someone made an Antonio-only mix of the previous Numbers clip.

Haven’t listened to either yet tbh, because I’m typing this with no headphones from a cafe where the coffee tastes like ramen, but here’s the latest episode of The Bunt with Mark Suciu, and an episode of Thrasher radio with Gonz. You know what to expect ;)

“It seems that defensive architecture, even as it becomes commonplace and increasingly surrounds us, still goes under most people’s radar, which makes the problem all the more insidious.” Village Psychic has a cool interview about using sculpture to raise awareness about how public space is becoming less public.

Boil the Ocean post for those who don’t read Boil the Ocean posts: “In Lieu of Some Longwinded and Semi-Coherent Blog Post, Here’s a Bunch of Justin Henry Tricks.”

Four minutes of Sremmlife B-sides from Mick Robbins.

So happy that Gunplay and Mozzy found each other

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: As everyone mentally shifts from “Wow, the Warriors are going 16-0 in the postseason” to “wow, maybe this is going seven!” — allow us to revisit the complete 2016 timeline of J.R. Smith partying shirtless from Vegas to Cleveland. We thought this shit was going four last year too.

Quote of the Week: “Just wait until I fucking tell the habibis back in New York that they sold me half a chicken with no sauce.” — Josh Velez re: Copenhagen Halal food

Heard it’s finally summer back home ♥ :)

And the summer reminds me of Fetty Wap :( Miss you bro.

An Interview With Daniel Kim, the 2016 Q.S.S.O.T.Y.


Intro and Interview by Zach Baker. Photography by Will-Robson Scott.

Will R.S: “I’ve never even thought to, let alone wanted to do a switch Japan Air.”
Daniel Kim: “You need to empty your mind, Will.”

Let’s talk about influence. Here, in this beautifully flawed American society that we live in, we delight in the idea that we’re all unique. Supported by our convictions that never on Earth has there ever been anyone like ourselves, we (as skateboarders especially) are quick to call out the bandwagoning of others; the adherence to trends that we ourselves, whether we recognize it or not, are also influenced by.

Whether it be “Yo, I ride 8.5 because everyone rides 8.5” or “Yo, everyone rides 8.5, y’all biters. I ride 7.5, I’m different and lit” — we are all borrowing from the same pool of small board brands, nostalgic IG handles, and tricks done in Trilogy. It’s tough to stand out, and perhaps the less a person cares about doing so, the better they are at it.

Turn to Daniel Kim who, within the past year, has gotten what some might call “weird.” Prior to now, he had built a reputation for banging flip tricks, remarkable pop, and thoughtful Pulaski lines. He was on 10 Deep back when German Nieves was the team manager, got boards from DGK for a while, and later worked at Nike for a couple years. Then, his hat started falling off, he grew his hair out, started wearing fur vests, and introduced to us his mysterious new undertaking: Stingwater.

Sparking endless laughter from many and bewilderment from many more, Kim, throughout 2016, threw up all kinds of cryptic promotion for what is maybe a water company, maybe a skate company, maybe just a platform for trolling his favorite skaters. What can be certain, as reinforced by his part in Spirit Quest, Colin Read’s trippy opus, is that Daniel, both as skater and individual, is evolving — no, groeing. I’m entertained by whatever the hell Stingwater is, and I’m still not sure that I even totally get it. Maybe my mind’s not empty enough.

Regardless, in our eyes, Daniel had done some of the most unique and remarkable skateboarding in 2016, earning him the title of Quartersnacks Skater of the Year.


Some of the readers may be wondering: did you lose your mind?

Nah man, I just found it.

You worked at Nike for some time, and then in the past year or so, would you agree that you’ve had much more right-brained approach to skateboarding, than say, a few years ago?

I think I just got more psyched on skating. I saw that once you have a regular job, you can’t skate as much. So I started to appreciate skateboarding more. Once the Nike thing was over, I started skating a lot more, and I started realizing that i could just have fun with it.

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The 2016 Quartersnacks Year in Review: 5-1


Closing this one out :) Previously in 2016: 25-16, 15-6

Past Editions: 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

5. The State of the T.F. Report [Sponsored by Soundcloud]

Those around for the post-9/11 flatbar years would find the modern T.F. virtually unrecognizable. Anyone with a functioning brain opts to meet at a skatepark rather than a place where they are forced to have an interaction with a paralegal holding a permit. This year, we were shocked to learn that while we may have a dedicated place to willingly cage ourselves into under the Manhattan Bridge, Soundcloud rappers are still looking for a home. In 2016, they found a nest at our onetime East Village meeting place, and have kept the (sometimes literal) fire of Tompkins debauchery lit in an era when we demand that our day consist of something more than skating a piece of plywood or a discarded Christmas tree.

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Merry Christmas…kinda


Merry Christmas to whoever woke up with the stolen Beamer logo off Dre’s car under their tree.

Hate to pile on to 2016’s seemingly infinite supply of bad news, but this is the first year that we’re not coming through with a full Christmas clip. Although the past two have admittedly lost the steam of say 2007’s tour de force, 2010’s G.O.A.T. or 2012’s shockingly productive fall — 2016 is the year when adult life caught up, and skateboarding in November/December outside of Tompkins or a skatepark just didn’t go down like it used to. Below are a few ~moody~ bits from the summer (!!!) to fill the place of a would-be Christmas clip.

Eleven years in a row of by-far the longest running annual web clip series ain’t so bad. Shout out to the O.G. Bryan Chin from who we ripped the idea off in the first place back in the early 2000s. Hope to make it back for the next one.

Features Daniel Kim, Connor Champion, Josh Velez, Andre Page, John Franco, Akira Mowatt, Matthew Perez, Lurker Lou, Keith Denley, Alexander Mosley, Thom Musso, Pryce Holmes. Filmed by Andre Page and Pad Dowd.

BUT, keep in mind that none of that may matter at all, since Dustin Henry’s Antisocial Video part is still around to warm your heart this holiday season. Congrats again to Dustin for winning our first annual Skater You Would Be Most OK With Your Daughter Dating Award! #perfectboy


Merry Christmas everyone. We’ll be back on Tuesday, December 27th.