Just in time for the coldest weekend of the winter, here’s the full video from last month’s Puerto Rico trip with Ishod and the Most Productive Crew™ in New York City skateboarding. Many of us are in our third year of embracing Puerto Rico as the east coast’s winter retreat, so we stepped a bit outside of our San Juanese comfort zone to cruise around New York’s sixth borough.
Outtakes and field notes from the trip can be found here and here.
Features Ishod Wair, Cyrus Bennett, Cory Kennedy (first-ever line holding a #boom? The high-tech S.A.D. towel of 2016?!), Eric Koston, Bobby Worrest, Justin Brock (who unfortunately got hurt two days into the trip), Andrew Wilson and Max Palmer. Filmed, edited and #skatevideohouse music supervised by Johnny Wilson from Space Heater.
Got a kick out of SMLTalk’s Boston spot directory. Dana Ericson already did any trick you wanted to try at Eggs switch in Filas, Aquarium ledges are actually way harder to skate than they look on film, etc. And FWIW, this place in Berlin is “the absolute worst skatepark in recorded human history,” not Watertown.
An interview with your favorite skateboarder, my favorite skateboarder, and your former favorite skateboarder’s favorite skateboarder.
A #listicle of the best tricks done down Clipper, which experienced quite a resurgence this year. Switch front blunt and alley oop 180 switch back 5050 got snubbed fam. That, and Muska switch noseslide should have been number one.
Yo you know what’s really annoying about DVS tour videos? You see them and think, “Oh sick, I get to see Daewon skate outside of his typical SoCal comfort zone” — but then dude only has like 2-3 clips in the entire video. ANYWAY, The DVS team is pretty fun: Torey Pudwill took the Reres Award from whoever may have previously held it for the Milan grate this year, that fakie 5050-halfcab-5050-180 combo is wild, and Luis’ grind down the Le Dome hubba from the flat part (it’s over waist high) is insane.
This was the best video of 2014. Truly inspiring stuff. He really is the best:
They’re building a new skatepark in Harlem (First Avenue and 114th.) Should be done in the spring, but you know how that goes. It’s still Lenox Ledges 4ever ♥♥♥
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: You don’t get Rondo for his shooting / lack thereof. Great to have him on a relevant team again. Hey NBA, please take the Knicks or Lakers off the Christmas schedule and exchange it with a Mavs game. Thx.
Quote of the Week Madison Square Garden Security Guard: “You okay in there?” Guy Who Vomited on Himself in the Bathroom Stall: “I’m just taking it easy.”