The 2017 Shirtless Kebab Tour


C. Champion via W. Dada

“Every time you disprove the prejudices of a pedestrian, you win a small victory that reverses the erosion of our collective social capital.” As sarcastic as we may get about the tired “skaters see the world differently” trope, there’s always something reassuring in our ability to — on on some tiny level — leave the world better than it was before, provided we stop sitting around talking shit about pants for long enough. Caught in the Crossfire’s “Four Small Ways Skateboarding Can Change the World” is inspiring, intelligent and heartwarming writing for a tough world right now.

On that note, #respect x999999 to Young Will and everyone in Providence, Rhode Island. “If you have an idea, for pity’s sake run with it, for the good of us all.”

Half a million pounds of Love Park granite is being shipped to Malmö, Sweden. Shout out to all the cities and people doing cool shit to make humans’ time on earth better.

If you guys in the comments are calling Shanahan a “’99 Kalis deadringer,” you better brace yourselves for the ’99 Stevie version because its really really real.

Ugh, Jake ♥ Just wait on it

This might be an illegal link, but here’s Yaje’s Riddles in Mathematics part til it gets taken down. Non-sketchy link to buy the video here. Sorry TWS, it’s Yaje ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

“One day’s lifted bar soon becomes the next day’s hurdle to be ollied, and later kickflipped, and eventually kilty mcbagpipped for an after-credits clip set to a whimsical indie-rock tune.” — Boil the Ocean explores ledge skating’s shrinking middle class, via the lens of Tiago’s switch back tail™. And yes, YouTube debaters, Antonio could’ve easily been #1 but Tiago got it for the trick’s status as a “culture-unifying moment.”

The most entertaining raw files clip in a really long time: A full 18 minutes from Na-Kel Smith’s X-Games “Real Street” part. Most elastic slams in the business too :)

ICYMI: Johnny made a clip of Cyrus and some Nike SB boys skating in Texas.

Skater types.” Facepalm emoji ya.

Dumb: The Story of Big Brother Magazine is now available to stream on Hulu. (You may need to put in your card info for a free trial blah blah blah.) You can read and disagree with the QS review here.

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*Non-Skate Related Alert* The latest episode of 99% Invisible deals with abandoned buildings, squatters, riots, and everything else surrounding Tompkins Square Park in the 80s and 90s. “You got guns? We got piss buckets.” Shout to Mostly.

Quote of the Week: “The price isn’t the problem. Pryce is the problem.” — Dallas Todd

I learned frontside flips via Pryce’s Seaport line A.K.A. have never fully *flipped* one in my life. They still count in S.K.A.T.E. though ;) Thanks Pryce.

Merry Christmas…kinda


Merry Christmas to whoever woke up with the stolen Beamer logo off Dre’s car under their tree.

Hate to pile on to 2016’s seemingly infinite supply of bad news, but this is the first year that we’re not coming through with a full Christmas clip. Although the past two have admittedly lost the steam of say 2007’s tour de force, 2010’s G.O.A.T. or 2012’s shockingly productive fall — 2016 is the year when adult life caught up, and skateboarding in November/December outside of Tompkins or a skatepark just didn’t go down like it used to. Below are a few ~moody~ bits from the summer (!!!) to fill the place of a would-be Christmas clip.

Eleven years in a row of by-far the longest running annual web clip series ain’t so bad. Shout out to the O.G. Bryan Chin from who we ripped the idea off in the first place back in the early 2000s. Hope to make it back for the next one.

Features Daniel Kim, Connor Champion, Josh Velez, Andre Page, John Franco, Akira Mowatt, Matthew Perez, Lurker Lou, Keith Denley, Alexander Mosley, Thom Musso, Pryce Holmes. Filmed by Andre Page and Pad Dowd.

BUT, keep in mind that none of that may matter at all, since Dustin Henry’s Antisocial Video part is still around to warm your heart this holiday season. Congrats again to Dustin for winning our first annual Skater You Would Be Most OK With Your Daughter Dating Award! #perfectboy


Merry Christmas everyone. We’ll be back on Tuesday, December 27th.

Damn, Remember That Week With Seven Updates?


Connor Champion at that ledge you’ve seen at least two of your friends die on. Photo by Corn.

QS webstore is now live with new beanies, longsleeve Snackman pocket tees, a reissue of the Tompkins Track Club hoody, and restocks on fall items. All of the new items are webstore only, i.e. won’t be at any shops. Also, we promise sending orders out won’t be a shit show like the last drop :) Thank you everyone for the support ♥

Solo interviewed Cyrus.

Tiago should’ve got S.O.T.Y, but at least Michael Scott is finally happy.

You probably saw it, but it’s perplexing as to how nine minutes of raw Jake Johnson footage can only have ~21K YouTube views? The remixes are bound to be rolling these next couple weeks, so here’s one that imagines if the rumors about Jake getting on Polar a year or two ago actually came true.

Why does it seem like frontside noseslide nollie heel out to fakie has been having a moment lately? Zoo dropped a sick 1/2 Ron Deily, 1/2 Gavin Nolan part last week.

Carlos Mendoza did the stage to rock ollie at 20th and C backwards

Village Psychic eulogizes Cliché. J.B’s Freedom Fries part will always be #top5 for me.

“It is widely agreed that anything that ever happened in skateboarding, past or present, occurred on Osiris’ 2001 ‘Aftermath’ tour.” Boil the Ocean on the decreasing chance of untapped interview subjects in skateboarding. Yo, who was at the Aftermath Tour stop at Chelsea Piers that day? We should all do a reunion.

Jenkem hung out with the one-man team behind @vintagesponsor.

The Kush Cowboy lipslide hubba from “cherry” just got torn down, so this long-winded Diamond commercial is most likely the last bit of footage you’re going to see on it.

Part one of a trip video featuring the two greatest New Jerseyian skateboarders roadtripping up to Maine. Don’t watch it if you’re hungry though.

Nothing to do with skating…just want to point you guys who like words in the direction of this incredible piece of longform journalism ;)

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Ish? Ish! (Yeah, this could be Russ every week.)

Quote of the Week:

Gonna throw the unsolicited information out there that I’d be perfectly fine with spending American currency on a Tinashe x Metro Boomin album…

The Other Love Sign


After Rodney Torres 5050ed through in like a 2001 issue of Thrasher, you kinda had to figure there wasn’t much else to for full-grown adults do on the back end of the ‘E’ of the love sign on 55th and Sixth Avenue. Then Josh 5-0ed it in Lurkers 3 last year, and you really had to think there’s no other way an adult could contort his body to fit through something no larger than your average car trunk.

Somehow, someway, the tallest adult to ever skate the spot — the ~5′ 11-ish Connor Champion — managed to condense himself into a human S and charge a nosegrind through the keyhole of the E. Unless there’s an Instagram video of Rob Welsh doing a noseslide or Daniel Kim drops a new part he never told anyone about these next five days, you already know what #1 of next week’s Quartersnacks Top 10 is going to be ;)

The claustrophobic nosegrind and a bunch of Wade D. footage could be found in Grand Collection‘s new one.

Previously: Grand Collection — ‘Naomi’

Shibuya Meltdown


The QS webstore relaunches this Wednesday, November 2 @ midnight New York time. Small preview of the new QS merch here. Our bud Colin Sussingham also shot a lil’ Warehouse Mondays lookbook with the boys for his Tumblr. Available in U.S. shops this week. International soon. Photo by Pat Buckley.

Honestly, every skater should have Hjalte film and edit their parts. Got more stoked watching this one he made of Jonas Skrøder than anything in recent memory.

“I didn’t know you knew about Supreme.” — Stevie Williams’ 12-year-old daughter to Stevie Williams. The Bunt’s latest one is with Stevie Williams, and covers everything from early Philly days, to the origin of the switch shove revert (unexpectedly Danny Way inspired), the first pass at Reebok skate shoes, etc. Also shout out to Stevie for calling out when skateboarding looks like rollerblading :)

“The increasingly inscrutable Daniel Kim is on some Sampson deal where his trick spread (now including switch Japan airs and a switch kickflip tailgrab) seems to grow woollier in direct relation to his hair length.” — Boil the Ocean on Spirit Quest, which includes a part from my favorite skater and frontrunner for hair of the year, Daniel Kim.

Bryce Kanights tells the story behind the photo of Sheffey and Coco Santiago doing double ollies at the Fuji Building in 1989, which is probably tied with Dimitry’s photo of Bici at World Trade for greatest skate photo shot in this city.

Still Rich Gang mixtape forever ♥ The 30 Purse crew put together an awesome five-minute New York edit to an abridged version of the song that started my day Sept 2014-prob Sept 2015. Kudos on the wide-ranging spot selection. Haven’t seen anyone skate that black marble out ledge on 30th and 1st this decade.

An interview with the guy with the voice and new Polar pro, Nick Boserio.

NY Skateboarding has a new clip and interview from filmer Declan Mulligan, who shines a light on some underrepresented corners of Long Island.

Someone found Tom Penny in Chile.

A guy named Beaver from S.D. with a chill “Summer Trip to New York” clip.

Uploaded this a few weeks ago because it vanished from the internet, but kept forgetting to link it on here: Dobbin Block’s “S.O.N” video from 2009.

“I never missed filming a session from 2000 forward because it became critical for my film and for my journey to the final level.” *Desperately awaiting intel on the New York premiere of the Todd Falcon film*

The Vancouver boys came to New York for a few days: Skate Sundays #59.

Jason Byoun skates the Financial District in 1996.

Lurker Lou is having a Card Boards show this Friday at 175 Roebling Street. 7-10 P.M. A bunch will be for sale. Flyer here. Interview about Card Boards from 2014 here.

QS Sports Desk Russell Westbrook Desk: 51-13-10. OKC-GSW can’t wait :)

Quote of the Week
Inquisitive Gentleman: “Why does everyone in Canada move to Montreal?”
Keith Henry: “Because nobody needs a job there. You find your rent on the floor.”

Heard Petey Pablo in #theclub out in Tokyo this past week, and was reminded of the far-reaching majesty of the great state of North Carolina. Congrats to the Endless Grind crew on thirty years. This one’s for you? Uh-uh. This one’s for who? Us, us, us.