Fashionably Late Links

cara delevingne dkny

Cara Delevingne gets “garbage fashion ad with a skateboard” Monday Links headline honors this year because she has good taste in cruisers, or, uh, “cookie boards.”

Happy second half of Fashion Week, guys! Sorry we could not procure a dedicated post in its honor this year. You could still check out past editions though.

For all the bums too broke to have supported a $10 video: Check out future New Jersey Senator, Jersey Dave (A.K.A. The White Corey Booker) in Outdated.

Pietrasanta, Italy, one of the epicenters of the marble industry, is making a skatepark entirely out of recycled white marble. Add the Italians to the #smart list.

Here are a ton of sick photos featuring tricks that appeared in Beef Patty.

A (previously unseen?) alternate long lens angle of Brian Wenning’s one-time “Most Important Switch 360 Flip Ever Done.”

A few notes on the incredible Marcus McBride Manolo Mixtape: 1) He skated to “Livin’ in the Bay,” which is the same song from the Lavar McBride’s Greatest Misses compilation part. It doesn’t do much to alleviate the chronic underuse of nineties Bay Area rap in skate videos (particularly when edited alongside identical eras in skating), but it’s cool he used “My Opinion” for the end section. When is someone gonna skate to “Sick Wit Tis?” 2) Do you think he just showed up to Pier 7 on random days and decided to try tricks over the blocks mid-session, or came to the spot intending to nollie back heel one? 3) One of the most glaring omissions from the nineties skate gear #listicle that was linked last week is blow up sport brand logo shirts, as exemplified by the black Starter shirt worn for the heelflip back 5050 down Hubba Hideout. (See also: Fila and Nike Air logo shirts in Keenan’s 20 Shot Sequence part.)

Grey Skate Mag interviewed Joey Pepper about South Bank, Huf and Aesthetics.

The switch crook in Zered’s new Spitfire commercial is kinda nuts.

Pontus Alv’s Parisian jump ramp clip for Converse has been getting some rave reviews. Even if its on the artsy side, it’s great to see a tradition that began with Goldfish, and continued into Yeah Right! get revived.

A summer montage from the young’ns via Kasper. They don’t leave the skatepark much, but at least they devised the most progressive use of a Citibike thus far.

QS Sports Desk: If some NBA administrator wanted to ruin the Knicks season, they could easily just drug test J.R. Smith every five games

Quote of the Week: “You guys are ruining benches that cost millions of dollars.” — A Fort Greene cop regarding two recycled plastic benches. Good thing he became a cop and not an architect.

The site has been acting up for the past couple of days, hence the late day update. Please leave a comment or send an e-mail/tweet/FB message/etc. if you notice any lingering errors. Thanks.

Lost Chips on Lakers, Gassed Off Dwight

freezer modelos

Monday links for another hot — but not as hot — week.

Billy Rohan tests out the usability of Citibikes on New York’s most popular skate spots. Too bad no one rolled into the actual Courthouse Drop on one…

The only review of the new Jay-Z album you need to hear.

With some 58,000+ signatures and proper organization, skateboarders have, at the very least, delayed the reconstruction of the legendary South Bank spot in London. The group behind the the preservation has applied to grant the space “village green” status, which protects historic places for sports and pasttimes. Meanwhile, the Small Banks are a rotting carcass of bricks, dust and heroin needles.

Luis Tolentino confirms that his pop comes from eating bricks, and skates around New York’s biggest borough with Rodney Torres and the legendary Rob Campbell.

With Outdated behind us, Elijah Cole insisting that the Cathode video is coming out “next month” is the new Kevin Tierney insisting that J.P’s video is coming out “next month.” Anyway, new here’s a new promo for Cathode.

UXA has an upcoming video with Eli Reed, which co-stars Fat Johnny, the author of arguably the greatest “Quote of the Week” in QS history. Check the teaser here.

Gavin Nolan with a minute-long line in the new Jenkins Log clip.

Chrome Ball has been going out with a bang by posting a new interview each day. Marc Johnson’s is likely the best of the bunch, and confirms some of the speculation that went around why certain people weren’t as prevalent in Pretty Sweet as we had hoped. Good to hear his “lost” Tilt Mode goof-around part from the Bag of Suck-era has been found, considering the somewhat goofy Man Down part is his best.

A Mike Heikkila cruiser part filmed weeks after breaking both arms.

Stephen McClintock put together an artsy Super 8 video for DQM featuring a bunch of familiar faces. NY-based skate shops love Super 8.

I woke up in a new Bugatti.

Galen Dekemper offers some thoughts on the life and demise of 12th & A.

Reda and Zered hit up the Feast of St. Anthony.

Quote of the Week: “I feel like people who drive Smart Cars do, like, smart-ass shit.” — E.J. upon seeing a Smart Car weave between two construction cones

Last but not least: Nobody makes a tampon commercial quite like the Russians.