

Parts with Josh so amazing.

We’re so lucky to share this planet with dogs.

I _______ in #myalltimers. Alltimers relaunched their website with new holiday goods, a dedicated board wall page, and expect a clip later this week :) Small preview here.

Palomino has QS goods for those in the U.K. or Europe who were unable to snag stuff from the webstore. Includes a handful of items we ourselves are sold out on.

Chris Milic’s Dr. Scarecrow part is incredible. Good bit of New York footage and a barrage of the the most unlikely manuals ever.

Damn, who’s your favorite Bloby? After this new ten-minute mega mix of all their Instagram footage, it has gotten harder to answer that question than ever.

“Kinky Love” is the new VX + steez cam clip from Jesse Alba, which features footage of the legendary Tompkins bank to ledge. R.I.P.

Johnny Wilson and the boys hit up a bunch of concrete parks in Connecticut, and then John Choi skates a large set of stairs on the Trinity campus.

“I’m not sure if it is the fact that they are Nordic, but more the idea that they are more socialist and less capitalist. The UK has monetised the idea of public space, especially in the centres of cities, but the Nordic countries are less like this.” …the story of how a breed of skateable architecture initially began and London, and has since been all but phased out only to have Scandinavian countries carry the torch :(

Bill Strobeck posted a minute clip of a heavy sesh down the Columbus Park rail.

Eli Reed has a new barrier-heavy part over on Jenkem.

Hold up, get too choked up when I think of old stuff.

Dwindle’s official statement on the demise of Cliché. Just as Blueprint introduced a generation of Americans to British skateboarding, Cliché was just as pivotal — along with probably the Flip videos — in bringing greater European skateboarding at large to our side of the Atlantic. Thanks for everything guys.

Haus of Altr: Mint Green is a fun, low-def ten-minute video via the youth. Columbus Park manual made me #lol :)

The state of little kid spots in New York City circa 2005 was really something to behold ♥♥♥ You never truly appreciate anything until it’s gone.

CORRECTION: Despite remarking that the end of days are near due to a rap song appearing in the latest Zero video, we completely spaced on the fact that Chris Cole and Tom Asta skated to Jeezy in Strange World. Sorry Chris, sorry Tom, sorry Jeezy.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: National treasure Nick Young steals a pass from his. own. teammate and hits the game winner. God bless him.

Quote of the Week: “There’s a hospital really close, but it only has two stars on Yelp.” — Dom Travis

2016 has been a rough year on humanity, but at least we found the 2014 Rich Homie Quan buried in Skooly from Rich Kids’ new solo tape, Gucci got his first #1 record, and we have Future’s personal assistant fan fiction. Shout the fuck out to Do or Die.


All the Critics Love You at T.F.


Our friend Danny Weiss was recently involved in a serious accident. Any help with his medical costs is appreciated. Get well soon Weiss.

Here’s the circa ~2007, pre-Bronze montage Peter Sidlauskas made to the eight-minute entirety of “Purple Rain.” Features a Shut-era Shawn Powers, a young Gonyon, a hesh B.D., and a bowler hat Derrick Z. Shout out to Esteban for re-uploading :)

Zered has a quick minute of line-heavy new footage out.

“Get that piece of…camera out of my face.” Another VHS edition of Lurk NYC’s “N.Y. Times” series is now live. Daytime midtown footage + lo-fi picture quality = ♥♥♥

Part one of the Josh Kalis “Video History” series is now live. Kind of touches on some of the same stuff as his Epicly Later’d, but a bit more personal and anecdote heavy. Amazing that so much of that early nineties footage is so well preserved.

Germany’s Solo mag caught up with Pontus Alv for an extra-detailed interview about the Polar video, the classic “r full videos #relevant?!”-discussion, the origins of the title, and how he still hates the song he skated to in Mad Circle’s Five Flavors.

So far, the only plus side to extended Instagram videos is this J.B. Gillett warm-up clip.

Skateboard Story interviewed Philly Santosuosso from Humidity Skateshop.

Nollie pop lord and former Inkwell office resident Brendan Carroll’s Static 5 part is now online, aanndd Zach Moore put Mike Heikkila’s Transplants part on YouTube as well.

An allegiance to track pants unlike any other in history. Also a pretty great part :)

A short documentary about the first “skateboard track” or um, snakerun.

My BFF Thando just dropped the video for his first single. Video by Adam Zhu.

Upon hearing Prince had died, one of the first things that popped to mind was Chris Milic’s It’s a Secret part. I YouTubed it once I was back at a computer, and the comments revealed that I was not the only one: “This made me start listening to Prince more.” Everyone loves a lazy discussion about the #importance of skate videos in 2016, but they still leave long-lasting imprints when done right. Whether they’re watched off an old tube TV, a computer screen, or a cell phone really doesn’t matter.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Are the Celtics really our favorite team in the east now? Is Tim Duncan an impending six-time Champion after the Steph injury?

Quote of the Week: “Slicky Boy and Dirty Daddy are the only reasons I’m still on Facebook.” — T-Bird

Not a great week in music. R.I.P. Billy Paul.

Five Favorite Parts With Chris Milic

mango cropped

[Cropped] photo by Colin Sussingham

Starting to try and avoid candidates for this series who feel guilty not recommending Sheffey in Soldier’s Story and Gonz in Video Days (no offense y’all) — at least for a few installments. So we’re getting ~weird~.

This one comes from Alex Olson’s favorite skateboarder, Forrest Edward’s OIAM co-star, and Hjalte Halberg’s most accurate impressonator, Chris Mango Milic.

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