“I got a man in Poughkeepsie who wants to talk with you.”
The site has been having intermittent server issues and downtime over the past several days. Everything should be back to normal now.
Past QS Christmas Clips: 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005
Frozen in Carbonite composed an interesting venn diagram for Pretty Sweet and Parental Advisory, the two marquee skate videos of the holiday season. Though “current rap, unironically” might belong in the middle, as “2Pac Back” was Pretty Sweet‘s only current rap song, and it was utilized in an appropriate way.
In the spirit of list season, Boil the Ocean has begun to count down the top ten skate parts of 2012. Joseph Delgado’s 56k part took the tenth slot.
Speaking of which, the director behind “this year’s best-made video” put together a 56k-esque Bill Pierce part for Roger Skateboards.
Rob Harris is releasing a video entitled Dece Vid on January 20th with a full part of the most recent Yaje Popson footage and cameos from a bunch of others. Teaser here.
This new Skate Jawn montage may be the first skate clip with footage at Fulton Mall.
Rob Gonyon becoming irate with entitled New York bicyclists (seriously, that “DON’T YOU GUYS KNOW THIS IS A *BIKE* LANE?!?!”-contingent of society is the worst) and doing chill street lines.
Mark Suciu and friends at Lenox Ledges and other less-interesting destinations in New York. The switch powerslide at the Bronx Courthouse after the back 180 is impressive considering how tight that landing space is. Dude’s good.
Throwback: A 12-year-old Slicky Boy taunting Santacon idiots at Tompkins in 2007.
New Chewy Canon part on Christmas?
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Gerald Henderson uses an invisible trampoline to dunk on a complacent-looking Dwight Howard. It would have been glorious if the Bobcats won this game.
Quote of the Week:

Can someone please explain this Pheed thing? And will it ever get big enough for Facebook to pay $1 billion for it? What will you guys do then?