ANTI Links

max p ben c

Max P. by Ben C.

All those years of covering high fashion on QS have finally paid off! We did a small run of #colorful items that would match Young Dro’s automobile paint jobs for Dover Street Market. Available instore and online via the New York location now. Available via Ginza and London later this week. Regular webstore leftovers are now on sale btw.

Drew Connors’ Bailar vid is the first great local project of the year. Street-heavy Shredmaster Keith part, tons of seldom-chartered spots all around the city, and a good deal of WTFs in the ender section. Fuel for the upcoming week of fifty-degree days.

Nearly a decade-and-a-half later, we learn that Ali really did ollie the 25 before Jaws.

Since the premiere of this past All City Showdown, some of the crews have been putting extended edits online: 1 – “Last Place” where nobody leaves #TheLower via Matthew Velez (the mind behind last year’s thoroughly awesome and underrated Sable video.) 2 — “Director’s Cut” via Westchester’s PFP squad.

Half cab kickflip backside 5050 :)

Olson, Cyrus, Loose Trucks, and newest Call Me 917 addition, Nik Stain, at the Nike SB Garage in Brooklyn. Here’s a *mandatory link* to Nik Stain’s Bruns part also.

Dude y r beautiful women objectifying our #rebellious #youth #culture just so they could look all cute on the way to the gym or whatever man. Jk ;)

Genesis in L.A. and Jason Byoun in the snow.

Enjoyed this hour-and-a-half interview with Beagle Oneism. Tons of insight on the inception of Baker, what being a SoCal-based skate filmer is actually like, etc.

If $1K is too much to spend on the complete Big Brother collection, Jenkem is reporting that the mag is releasing a coffee table book this spring that compiles its best / worst moments. Also wow @ Carnie’s Boob book for $250 on Amazon.

Dont hear too much about skating in Macau A.K.A. Hong Kong’s Vegas. Rad lil’ edit.

File UnderLedges To Keep An Eye On.

Top Five Two-Trick Line Forever Ever Ever Ever:

Now sure what the bigger facepalm is… Nas making a “March Madness” remix, or Meek Mill dropping a Drake diss on January Thirtieth Two Thousand and Sixteen.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Casual video of Curry shaking Kawai

Quote of the Week: “One of my favorite drunk pastimes is watching Gun N’ Roses videos.” — Torey Goodall

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It’s no Late Nights I guess…

Talking ‘Bout a Whole Lot of Spinach

olson air

Extreme. Photo via Gigliotti.

281-330-8004 x 917-692-2706.

HD video blog #11 from Johnny Wilson even though Transworld commenters hate it ;)

Forrest Edwards ain’t for contest judges, he’s for the people.

Shocked to see that the new Staten Island skatepark has straight, normal ledges. NY Skateboarding takes a look at Faber Park. Looks like Astoria but with more hubbas.

Didn’t know bearing companies really go on “tour” — Bones Swiss has a new Euro tour vid out with a bunch of really good B. Worrest footage. Sorta miss the era when you could still put a really long manual in a video :(

This has been online for eight years, but saw it reposted a bit on Tumblr: raw footage of Anthony Correa from 1997. Mostly Houston and S.F. stuff. Wish there was more footage of the dude out there (or at least a version of his Mixtape 2 part that didn’t feature a rapper who actually said “my crew packed full of nuts like an Almond Joy.”) Also, that back smith on the Seaport bench in the first Static video is still reigning atop the smith grind hall of fame nearly twenty years later.

Not sure which “Summer Trip to New York” cycle this should even count for…it came out in 2015 but was seemingly filmed in 2014. Anyway, some Australians who really love helicopter shots skate around New York for a bit. The kickflip up / turn around / switch flip down line at Columbus Park is awesome.

Russians produce bleaker skate footage than even the Brits. They love tracksuits too.

Always surprised to remember that Riverside Skatepark still exists.

Happy to hear the lease at House of Vans was renewed. Place was a real lifesaver these past few winters when you just want to listen to Drake and skate with the boys.

There are the Boil the Ocean posts that I sorta get, and then there are the ones that I sorta don’t. The new one is in the latter category.

The low barrier in front of Punjabi on Avenue A and Houston is gone.

R.I.P. Chinx Drugs. “Let him be remembered for being one of the few rappers who didn’t waste Harry Fraud’s production.”

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Iguodala probably should’ve been called for the foul here, but Steph hit a shot behind two three point-lines. Big no thanks to the Los Angeles Clippers for allowing this excruciating-to-watch Houston team to make it to the conference finals. You guys are horrible and hate people who watch basketball.

Quote of the Week: “Vaping is the rollerblading of smoking.” — Billy Rohan

Ok, who do we talk to about the New York version?