T.J. 4 S.O.T.Y.

Pretty much any group of skaters that has passed this spot these past ~20 years has stopped and debated whether it was possible or not. I remember somebody pointing out that if Brandon Westgate hadn’t done it yet (he definitely would’ve known about it), then maybe it was impossible. We even posed the rhetorical “how long until” on Twitter two years ago (that photo does the size of it zero justice, btw.) Really glad T.J. was the one to get it. The fact that an ollie is on the cover should tell you all you need to know about how crazy this is. (Well, that and the fact that it’s broad daylight in midtown Manhattan should color the narrative a bit, too.) Assuming everyone will be onboard the #TJSOTY train when that Supreme video drops, so yeah. Photo by Jared Sherbert.

And on that note, Boil the Ocean makes an assessment of the past eleven months to decide who should be eligible for S.O.T.Y.

The match-up you’ve all been waiting for: Nyjah Houston v.s. Alexis Lacroix.

Here is a #longform, Pineapple Express-based Nick Ferro b-sides remix, and here is a #longform, lo-def Memphis/Texas/(?) rap-based Dick Rizzo b-sides remix.

Office favorite, Jawn Gardner, has a new part over on Thrasher full of hairy spots. Glad you’re ok John! ♥

Remember that Weed Maps clip we admitted to being a bit of a guilty pleasure on here last winter? Well, here’s the less jittery version of the same clip that features Jaws skating New York.

Been a fan of this guy since he skated to People Under the Stairs (yeah…) in 411 — if you need some style inspo for the day, Free managed to unearth a ton of unseen Javier Sarmiento footage from the start of the millennium.

After getting shamed for not putting the new OG.2000 video (the dudes who made the “Mariah” video last year and um, ollied onto a Ferrari) in #QSTOP10 contention a week ago, we finally got around to watching it, and yeah, it got way less shine than it deserved on the skate internet. Tons of incredible Euro skating from names that will likely be unknown to you — though I’m sure some #trend-weary curmudgeons will find issue with something. These two tricks in Paris are fucked.

Brian Anderson is the latest guest on Lee Smith’s podcast. The interview is damn near two hours long. Maybe these could benefit from Soundcloud or Podcast links? Or did we miss that?

Looks like SML Talk is updating their site again. Here’s a listicle of 17 “beautiful” moments in skate video history. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and quite frankly, Jason Byoun’s Astor Place line from Life is Goodie got robbed.

It’s no video blog, but Johnny went to Argentina to film the SB team a year ago, and made his own clip of the trip just now. Can’t wait for Beef Patty 2.

Back when Crailtap was a daily visit and the skateboard internet was a smaller place, they used to post these random digi cam tidbits (pre-iPhone obvs) on their site. Someone compiled all of them, 2003-2005.

The building got tired of replacing the rail in front of the out ledge at FedEx and just… knobbed the ledge instead.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Hell ya Louuuuuuuu.

Quote of the Week: “I could see myself adding a nice siesta to my daily routine.” — E.J.

Shout to Cosme Studio for coming through on a slightly higher quality digital copy of Continuum. These are maybe only 10-15% better quality than the ones that have been on YouTube for ages, but hey, slow motion is better than… Also we’ve certainly pontificated about it in the past, but wow was Jerry Fowler’s skateboarding ahead of its time. Jahmal’s is obvs timeless, but you knew that :)

Move to Mars


Photo via Juicy Elbows

QS Monday Links went from 70% YouTube links to 70% podcast links in one year…

Gino Iannucci runs down his career past and present, alongside the music that soundtracked his skateboarding, in an hour-long interview with Skate Muzik.

Approach every project / job / challenge in life with your sights set on creating something so influential that’ll follow you around for the remainder of your time on earth, like the Osiris D3 does for Dave Mayhew ;)

The Bunt’s latest episode is with Mark Appleyard, and on that note…

Yes, Mark Appleyard is in The Conversation™, because we’re out in Barcelona still talking about the shit he did fifteen-plus years ago when pulling up to half the spots. Kalis on longevity, getting shoe deals, and a distaste for extra long backside tailslides.

“So do you think the Menace guys were good at skateboarding?” “No.” Lee Smith has the floor in the latest installment of Bobshirt’s always incredible interview series.

Brian Anderson dropped a two-minute cruiser part over on Thrasher of him ripping around Manhattan, the Groton Skatepark, etc.

Jesse Alba uploaded a clip of his past year-and-a-half of VX footage.

This clip was a good time — SK8 Locos in NYC. Always had a bit of a bias toward how nice all those spots on the west side of Harlem look on film.

Pretty sure this is the first line ever filmed at the ultra mega super duper bust federal office building across from Black Hubba. Beware of plot twist.

“As skateboarding was our purpose and it was relatively unheard of in this part of the world, whenever we started to skate, massive crowds would assemble to watch.” Now, maybe more than ever, it’s important to keep an open heart toward places that those in power prefer to dehumanize. Monster Children has a rad photo feature on skateboarding in Balkh, Afghanistan via Dan Zvereff.

Yaje, Bobby De Keyzer and Bobby De Worrest have parts in the upcoming Transworld video, which borrows its title from scrapped names for a ~1999 RZA solo album.

Krak put together a compilation video of the Creteil three block out in Paris, which is a hundred feet from my favorite ledge on earth

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Russell Westbrook isn’t a starter on the 2017 All-Star Team, so we’re going to impose a media blackout on the Quartersnacks Sports Desk this week. And this is an accurate summary of why you see minimal Knicks coverage on here these days. We just know better ;)

Quote of the Week: “I’ll never do my own taxes. 5 + 5 + 2? I’m over it.” — Francesco Pini

Five Favorite Parts With Brian Anderson


Photo by Joey Digital

Went from doing one of these once every month to once every quarter. Might try and pick it up a bit this year, but we’ll see what happens. Request line is open ;)

Figured we could annotate B.A’s heavy media presence from last year with a conversation about a light topic: inspirational old skate video parts. It is pretty unexpected how so many older street guys (especially east coast bred ones) end up picking tons of vert and transition-based skating.

Related: An Interview With Brian Anderson (April 2013)

More »

First* Post of 2017


Z. Photo by Joe Brook.

Technically it’s the *second* post of the year after the online DANY video premiere (YouTube link here btw), but let’s not screw tradition up yaknow :)

As always, let’s get anything pertinent to the last year out of the way: 1) Tiago, Hjalte and Jerry Hsu round out the top three of Boil the Ocean’s ten best of 2016 countdown. 2) Better Skate Than Never is always good for a round-up of largely independent web clips that stood out. Their top 30 of 2016 is a nice reminder to rewatch Hjalte’s Jonas Skrøder part. 3) Ripped Laces runs down the best skate shoes of last year.

Village Psychic put together a sick new remix video of Mark Humienik, avid practitioner of the backside shove-it out, and one of the few remaining devotees to the early-2000s Staten Island ledge relic known as the ABC Ledges #wenning #durante #charlesives

Conor, Jesse and Loose Trucks Max all heavy in Genesis Evans’ new iPhone clip.

36 Stair Ollie” is the new ~moody~ clip from the Marbio Worldwide crew out in L.I.

The Bunt is really coming through with the heavy-hitters this year. Episode two of the new season is with new Anti-Hero rider, Brian Anderson, who has apparently been skating Anti-Hero boards with stickers over the graphic since the Yeah Right! days.

Brunch is a fun new full-length out of Montreal (pretty sure…) with a good bit of New York footage. A lot of familiar faces and an E.T. cameo :)

Diamond Days, now ten away from a hundred.

Hardies threw an unannounced best trick contest at the L.E.S. Park a few weeks ago.

Joe Cups has hard copies of Lurkers 3 up for preorder + some other merch.

Steve Mastorelli’s new video, The Meadowlands, is premiering at the SVA theater on 23rd Street between 8th and 9th at 9 P.M. on Saturday. You can find the flyer here.

ICYMI, there’s nothing to skate at Astor again. This headline has some nerve

One thing that moves lightyears quicker than the Thrasher homepage is the Live Mixtapes homepage. For that reason, RapZips.tumblr.com has been a massive help in catching up on music that might’ve slipped through the cracks last year.

Uncle Murda’s “2016 Rap Up” is wwwaaayyy sketchier than last year’s.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: This Kris Dunn sequence is fucked, but also the Blazers are 30th in the league in defense (don’t worry, the Knicks are 23rd.)

Quote of the Week
Yaje: “In Europe, you can get beer anywhere, even at the vending machine.”
Jason Byoun: “Word. That’s like the Staten Island Ferry.”

Let Roy help you get through this next year…or four ;) ♥

Throwaway Laptops NBD


Hey man, thanks for the glowing review. Quartersnacks for Nike SB available now :) Oh, also regs line of new QS merch should be available very, very soon ♥

Better than a ginger shot!* A quick jolt of Jake Johnson from the GX video to get your day going. (*Disclaimer: probably not better than a ginger shot health-wise, fyi.)

Shout out to The New York Times for using “Fat Kid Spot,” the spot’s proper name, in their article about the park’s reconstruction. Also shout out to the DOT for getting rid of that pesky bridge above the park. Set to open late fall.

Hard to tell exactly where upstate this video is based out of, but spotted a good bit of Rochester spots. “Friction” is a chill eleven-minute video filmed somewhere around that big ol’ state that sits above our small center-of-the-universe city.

It feels like this is the first year in a long time when the frontrunner(s) for SOTY weren’t completely obvious a month out from the award. Boil the Ocean weighs in on the contenders, although gonna have to disagree that the Snoop Dogg song from Away Days ever needed to be skated to. Nor does it alleviate the fact that Busenitz skates in German jk ;) The QS list is Tiago, Max and Daniel Kim duh.

Sometimes you just want to skate in front of Fanelli’s during the lunch rush yaknow? “Mean Streets” volume 4 via the LurkNYC camp is now live.

“You never know: You might say the word f*ggot walking down the street one day and some big old lesbian’s going to hear you, turn around, and punch you right in the face.” Awesome new interview with Brian Anderson that encompasses his entire career, conducted on the occasion of him joining the Anti-Hero roster.

Major pet peeve is websites who don’t post dates with their content, so not entirely sure how old this is, but Boardrap has an interview with the two minds behind The Bunt, both the QS News Desk and the QS Sports Desk’s favorite podcast. (Yo shout out to Grant Patterson for pervading usage of the term “nollie half cab” and F all of U who have a problem with it. Sincerely, everyone who skates at T.F.) The Bunt’s new episode with Kevin Lowry is also now live, btw.

Bobby DeKeyzer x Tumblr remix, or something?

A teaser for Sabotage 5, the last Love Park video ever.

Stuff You’ve Seen: 1) Johnny’s new one, “Sup World,” which signals a bowing out of #skatevideohouse and a sonic foray into the renewed #interest in hardcore shirts? I dunno. 2) “Sage & Sean,” via my neighbor Logan Lara. 3) Lakai AM nearly levels Chelsea jogger. Last week was probably the heaviest “What about so-and-so?”-week for #QSTOP10. Can’t win ’em all and apologies if your faves got left out.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Lol, Javale McGee is going to the Finals this year.

Quote of the Week: “If skateboarding ends today, you still have at least ten years worth of content about the good old days.” — Pryce Holmes

Shout out to ♥ Josh Velez and Torey Goodall ♥, two of my favorite skateboarders on this earth who celebrated birthdays in the past week. Love you guys xoxo.