You The World

For the life of me, cannot backtrack to where this screengrab originated from, but it was definitely a non-American skate video from January. Anyone?

Mike Heikkila is the latest subject of Skate Jawn‘s “$100 Chill” feature, and presumably the first person to ever get a haircut on Blubba. Good reminder to keep that lotion on you this winter.

The Palace team (+ Lucien Clarke’s mom) gather around the TV to rewatch their seminal all-London video from 2017, Palasonic. Would be dope to see them commentate on the Bronze x Palace Paramount video, which feels a bit “forgotten” within each’s respective videography.

“The idea that I could make a show about skateboarding, but wouldn’t be relegated to ‘skate art’ but be taken seriously as an art show that happens to be about skateboarding, was something I am grateful for.” Esteban Jefferson spoke to Monster Children about his new solo show that is inspired by the Brooklyn Banks. It is on view @ 303 Gallery on W. 21st Street until February 26.

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Fear & Loathing In The Financial District

The Beacon crew has an eight-minute snapshot of the Summer at Tompkins 2k24.

Juan Reyna and his crew have a new 20-minute video out called SMOOCH, which is entirely filmed in New York. Always impressed that the E. 9th Street triangle continued to live on as a functional spot despite the reconstruction that made it fifty times worse.

Jerry Fowler — a late 90s/early 2000s pro who was ahead of the curve on multiple waves of ledge skating — filmed a selfie part for Orchard, his hometown shop in Boston.

Slam City Skates interviewed Will Miles about the making of QuickStrike.

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Introducing…The Quartersnacks One-Spot Part Map

A week away from the first Olympics to feature skateboarding, you will no-doubt see mainstream publications taking a “global” lens through which to view the Games’ new inclusion. To anyone who actually skateboards …it’s like, “yeah, no shit.”

But it’s not because we are all aware of some nebulous concept of who the “best” skater from Brazil, Sweden or Japan is. Given the sprawling worldwide growth of skateboarding that has accelerated alongside the internet, we can now know who the “best” skater of a literal acre or two of city land in some Scandinavian country is. We know the architectural intricacies of completely arbitrary train stations across the globe. Give me a Pantone book, and I’ll show you the color scheme of Tennessee’s capital building because of one guy’s skate footage. Have I been to Tennessee? No, not yet!

A one-spot part is a way to deify one’s name alongside a place, but not in a championship or gold medal sense. It is more Kobe’s 61 points at MSG than it is a title. It is a story. Better yet, it’s mythology: “So-and-so only filmed at this city block for a year and figured out ten new ways to skate it.”

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A Tribute To The Endurance of Those Who Skate The Medians

We all know the ancient proverb: “One man’s infrastructural banality is another man’s tailslide.”

But for all the details of cities that skateboarders pay a perverse amount of attention to — the positioning of cracks before stairs, the shapes of curbs, literal fucking trashcans — our ability to isolate a select few traffic medians as desirable places to hang out at is an under-appreciated tidbit of our lunacy.

To the average person, a median divides two opposing directions of traffic. Unless someone is an engineer, there is absolutely no reason to spend any of their precious time on earth thinking about one. To a skateboarder though… it’s not a ledge, it’s not a curb — it’s a ledge on TOP of a curb.

Given our struggles of just being left alone at a decent-enough ledge, some of our more able-bodied colleagues sought refuge in the soothing serenity of New York City traffic. And like many parables of post-Financial Crisis skateboarding, this one begins with Jake Johnson.

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Weekend Viewing — Bobby Worrest & Friends at Milano Centrale via Gang International

It’s no stretch to say that Milano Centrale and Washington D.C’s Pulaski Park are made from similar strains of skate spot pixie dust. As a youth watching The DC Video, I even remember thinking Stevie Williams’ switch heel back tail was on some lesser-seen portion of Pulaski, given the striking resemblance its white marble upper level has to the composition of Italy’s greatest skate spot.

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