Who Is the Manu Ginobli of Skateboarding?

vega fakie flip

Vega by Heikkila

Should be caught up with shipping web orders from last week by the end of today. Thanks to everyone for their support. If you don’t receive a tracking number to the e-mail you ordered with by tomorrow, feel free to hit us up. In the meantime, there’s still a bit of stuff left in the webstore, and we have updated our stockists page.

Stuff you’ve already seen: Bronze and Zoo York’s “Amber Alert” Barcelona video, featuring the fakie flip above (from the spot everyone got kicked out of on that trip.) Thrasher also posted the article and photos from the trip online.

Village Psychic made an infographic to commemorate ten years of B.A.T.B.

Any video featuring youths skating midtown gets a post: Bot Video from Ewan Creed.

Volume 22 of LurkNYC’s “New York Times” outtakes series features a long lens angle of that psychotic 5050 across the scaffolding at Chase from their last video.

Have a hard time telling Roman and Marek apart sometimes, but the Primitive trip to D.C. and New York clip is pretty bomb, and a nice palette cleanser when you need a break from the “relatable” skating we post on here :)

The Bunt’s latest episode is with Aaron Herrington (shout out to all of our scooter rider QS readers and to Aaron Szott), and Jenkem’s latest episode of their “Hanging Out” series is with…Aaron Herrington.

Everyone’s always surprised to remember that Keith Denley still rides for Hopps, but nobody is surprised that Mark Del Negro now rides for Hopps. Jahmal cameo ♥

Ever since the Bobshirt thing (fave one yet), I’ll watch/read any Reda interview. This new(ish) one with a CUNY college show is nice to throw on in the background.

Some Jersey skating B-sides from Tommy Koehne.

Place has a light interview with Lucas.

“When you feel overwhelmed, walk alone through the woods and forget your name, your title, your education and view yourself for what you really are — another mammal wondering why it is here but appreciating the fact that your civilization has not as yet been evaporated by a supernova.” — Got sidetracked reading a 2012 MIT commencement speech while doing this post ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You can pretty much skip the first half because you didn’t go to MIT, but the rest is a nice #mondaymotivation #riseandgrind #letsgetit #workflow moment.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: John Wall’s game winner was sick, and tonight is the most excited the Sports Desk has been for a game all post-season, but 87-year-old Manu Ginobli’s block on Harden takes it. He also dunked in the game yesterday and he’s 93 years old. It’d be nice if the Kawai thing isn’t serious :(

Quote of the Week:

FullSizeRender 4

Love how half the skateboard internet re-posted this part like it was new, but yeah, it deserved a lot more burn when it first dropped. Watch Bleach in full here, and should someone upload a single of Mark’s Sable part?

‘Yo, Best Idea’ — Alltimers in Spain Video

fathers day

Photo by Brian Delaney

Alltimers is the first of 500 skate crews that spent January in Barcelona to release a proper video of their trip. As reported on QS earlier, it rained for over half the time that the full squad was in town, which sent The 2016 Skateboarder You’d Be Most O.K. With Your Daughter Dating and his friends back to the poutine pastures of Canada with only a few clips for the final video. Everyone had a good time though :)

A couple of boys stayed behind for a month to wait out the rain — Brian Delaney and Dana Ericson, Alltimers newcomers and recurring winter expats in the Catalan capital; E.T., who is still probably there; and Chuck M.V.P., the 2016 Skateboarder You’d Be Least O.K. With Your Daughter Dating, whose stolen passport was likely auctioned off to gypsies at MACBA for €20 and a bag of dirt.

As a bonus, we compiled all of @dutchmasterdelaney’s Instagram videos from the trip into one convenient clip. Give him a follow because every IG video that man makes is truly a work of art. Favorite editor in skateboarding right now.

Couldn’t upload it to YouTube because Travis Scott is a cop.

Previously: #myalltimers

The Two Days It Didn’t Rain in Spain

macba wrs

Photo by Will Robson-Scott

If you follow any venerable New York skate institution on social media, you no doubt caught on to the fact that the entire city was in Barcelona for the second half of January. Thanks to some fluke in the system, round-trip flights were running about $350 direct, so what would have been high season for Puerto Rican getaways turned into a citywide exchange of Tompkins for MACBA.

For us, the first day and a half were fine. Then came the rain. And more rain.

On day seven, we went to sleep with a 0% chance of precipitation on the forecast for the next day. We woke up: 0%. Half-hour phone stare sessions, showers, breakfast, board set-ups — we were ready to go.

An aggravated “Fuck!” emerged from Andre Page’s room.


“I don’t want to say it.”

“What happened?”

“I don’t want to say it.”

“Dude, what happened?”

“Look outside.”

Desperate for a rout of good luck, our zero-percent chance of precipitation day became a failed Hail Mary mission a thirty-minute trainride outside of downtown Barcelona.

Some people drank their way out of despair, some tried to skate at night, others skated marble banks while they were only half wet during an hour-long dry spell, while a select few got #cultured. It has been said that the only way to deal with New York is to get the fuck out of New York — so there’s no time ever lost in not being here for a week-and-a-half.

…even if you come back with a minute of footage from the two days it didn’t rain ;)


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The Neighborhood’s Changed, But the Beers Are Still Cold


Godspeed Wavy’s. Although you got a bit too live these past few years, I wouldn’t take back the hours I wasted standing around doing nothing if I could. Wouldn’t be caught dead standing in front of Spring Mart. R.I.P. to one of the final remnants of that neighborhood. Photo via Zach Baker.

“Knowing a lot about something little, and caring about it deeply – even something as ridiculous as grown men making four wheeled planks balance on two wheels – provides a microcosm within which we understand the consequences of those big, nebulous issues.” Didn’t expect this to pop up anywhere: Caught in the Crossfire with an insightful breakdown of the Brexit results, and how they will effect skateboarding.

The Complete History of the 12th & A Rainbow Curb: April 2016 — Later in April 2016.

“It’s 50/50; it’s hard to see, but if you want to live your passion then you have to learn to live with it, or you find a regular job and you go skate on the weekend.” Lucas Puig on making adult decisions that impact skateboarding for a living.

Is Rodrigo TX the new Rodrigo TX?

Literal, on-the-nose #musicsupervision usually get the side-eye at this point, but always thought “Baltimore” would make a great video part song, and also all this Jason Spivey footage is awesome. Is the audio jacked for everyone else though?

Village Psychic travels back to the moonboot era when there’d be seven logos on one shoe, and does a wear test of the DC Relay with John Shanahan ♥ Daytime midtown footage 4 ever ♥ (Is Columbus Circle mellow to skate again?)

NY Skateboarding has pics of the McCarren Park renovation if you haven’t seen it yet.

The internet has a tendency to desensitize us from having to confront other people’s unfiltered brains and emotions, and unfortunately, that played out a bit on the skate internet last year as Billy Rohan, an incredible person who has done a ton for skateboarding in the city, went through it. Like the quote says, “depression is a flaw in chemistry, not character” and sometimes, there’s a lot more going on than somebody “acting crazy.” ANYWAY, Vice caught up with Billy, who’s been doing much better, for a video short on what he’s been through.

An interview with the filmer behind the Rios Crew. Not skating the same spot twice sounds exhausting ;)

Do you believe in life after Love? Go Skate Day 2016 in Philly, via the Sabotage boys.

Rockaway excursions and sweaty summer vibez in Genny’s new iPhone clip.

Taji did the whole awkward Vice host thing with Gino Iannucci for “TAJCAM.”

Dude remember Nadia footwear? Of course you don’t, but guess who does? :)

Chill lil’ Barcelona montage with five Penny tricks at the 1:21 mark.


Quote of the Week: “Until we elect Trump, the British are the dumbest people on the planet.” — Dylgr

Shout out to my man Torey Goodall for skating to “June 27th” twelve years ago for a Baby Steps B-roll part. Who else you know can go from Van Morrison to Big Moe in the same video? Also shout out to all my Cancers bro.

Dude It’s Almost Summer


Dude it’s gonna hit 80 this week. Correa via Koolmoeleo obvs.

The new Boulevard video is solid. Chill part from Enrique Lorenzo on steroids A.K.A. Tiago Lemos that has a ton of New York footage, and a full part from noted flamenco guitarist and flip-trick god, Daniel Lebron. Yo the hardflip that starts the S.F. Armory line is maybe the best hardflip ever.

Skateboard Story has an interview with our bud Rick from NY Skateboarding.

How to Fix the Marc Johnson / Lakai Mess in Ten Easy Steps.

John Shanahan has a “Video Check Out” feature over on the Transworld site. Between this and the new Matt Velez clip, fitting a police barrier between the three-stair and the manual pad at the Hunt’s Point spot is a hot look for summer 16.

Whole Bitch is the new, full-length video from the B.S.A. / Couch squad.

Jenkem has a “Locals” feature with Kevin from N.Y. Ramp Co, the guy who pretty much singlehandedly revitalized the actual skating that takes place at T.F.

This. Is. Sportscenter. Daewon Song career top 10 plays.

Thrasher interviewed Lucas Puig, and then Free interviewed Lucas Puig.

“Skaters now lookin’ a little emo, but it’s all good.” Village Psychic interviewed German Nieves about skateboarding and tennis correlations, #da90s, and his brand, Paterson.

Brad Cromer made a quick trip to New York iPhone edit.

It’s insane how even after all these years, an all Barcelona edit will still have a handful of spots that you’ve literally never seen in any other Barcelona clips. This Zoo trip clip with Gav, BD, Ron, etc. is a good time. Sants is on version like 5.5.

Good bit of Philly Santosuosso footage in this Bruin Hyperfeel video from Minneapolis.

Completely arbitrary fourteen-minute mash-up of nineties New York skateboarding that has 63 YouTube views. You’ve seen most of it :)

Trick Tip: How to Make Trendy Instagram Videos.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Even though Russell Westbrook is the greatest basketball player in the history of sports, still see it going to the Warriors in a close 7. Anyway, here’s an angry one-handed rebound.

Quote of the Week: “Kent Jones is like the new Shaggy.” — Stuart Hammond
