Better Thoughts, Better Vibes

ej blackberry

DANY video filming deadline: 03/31/16 11:59 P.M. EST. 2016’s most anticipated video.

We have a light drop of new merch available in the webstore. There’s an online-only reissue of the “Ball is Life” hoodys originally made for Dover Street Market, plus two new caps for the spring. The full spring/summer merch line should be available in shops later in April, then on our webstore a bit later. Stay tuned ♥♥♥

Dude is this a 12th & A obstacle or an installation misplaced from a Chelsea gallery?

“Heaven’s Gate” is a new video from Tony Choy-Sutton that deserves an outstanding achievement in spot selection award, in that it remarkably avoids almost every single 2016 trap and blown out New York spot for fourteen minutes. Also, nosegrind down that round rail Quim drop-in 5050s on (with Muska’s help!) in Static 5 is insane.

Iron Claw + Watermelonism in Medellin, my fifth favorite city. Via The Man Who Films.

Pfft, like this isn’t an ABD a thousand times over

“This skating is so sick but this song is so fucking terrible.” Roctakon began to review classic skate video soundtracks for Jenkem. The first installment is a review of Sight Unseen‘s #musicsupervision. “Tosh is kinda hot, for a blonde.”

New six-minute montage from Jesse Alba and Tucker V.W., in which Andrew Wilson 5050s between the knobs down the Dag Park hubba and Jason Byoun does a chill switch flip. It’s a VX.

Ellington cut his hair and advises against skating with a bandana. Also, who’s hosting a premiere of the new Baker video at their house? Let’s get a group text going…

New jazzy clip from Washington Heights’ Mira Conyo squad.

Early “Noseslide of the Year” contender #goldgoon$.

Wallride over the rollgate parallel to the Fish Gap is pretty cool.

The Astor renovation looks uniformly awful but there are these low round rails all around, which have small little knobs on them that prevent grinds but not really slides. Also, how is the cement ground already bad there?

Life of Boosie > Life of Pablo ♥ “I’m not a lyricist, I’m a storyteller.”

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: The tournament is impossible to follow, especially in March when it’s getting warmer outside, but you gotta love a good buzzer beater.

Quote of the Week: “Skateboarders are the only group of adults that hang out together. I’ll hit up all my friends who don’t skate on a 70-degree day and they’re either at work or with their girlfriends.” — Dylgr

Count Music

ny keenan

Thanks mom, thanks dad… ♬

If this guy seriously 5050ed up the Rockaway Rail

Not sure the Cellski song from Stevie’s world renown “Nut Grab” commercial is in any way appropriate music supervision for Dylan Reider, but that’s what the dudes at Muckmouth chose for the “non embarrassing” edit of his new Calvin Klein Huf commercial. It’s just all the skate tricks from the part, which is cool.

Imagine if they reedited it to “Latch” though? #lol #jk #jokez #notno. Anyway, Diamond Days #74. Yaje still rips. (“There was a long silence, then that one dude, the one with the beard, was like ‘Do you even have one single traditional flash tattoo?'”)

Illegal incentives at the Federal Reserve, etc. in Video Blog #212 from Johnny Wilson.

The “Summer Trip to New York” clips are finally starting to roll in! Some French guys skate around the city and one of them darkslides Black Hubba.

Someone compiled all of the footage Brian Wenning and Anthony Pappalardo have stacked since fading out of skateboarding’s focal spotlight in the 2010s. It’s weird. Never a bad time to reminisce over this one though.

Chris Nieratko interviews Stevie Williams about Love Park at Love Park.

A new clip from the Beerics crew, which features a solid batch of Governor Gall footage from Shorty’s. P.S. Here’s his turtorial on how to sorta Bondo cracks.

The Baker/Deathwish team v.s. D7. Anyone who has taken visiting skaters around to spots in New York can attest to the fact that many talented / seasoned pros have stepped away from D7 after seeing how rugged it was up close. These guys killed it.

Black Dave and Elijah Cole daily warm-ups in Harlem.

Whether or not there is space in modern skateboarding for a resurrected éS Accel remains to be seen (i.e. fond childhood memories of summers spent in Lakai Staples will immediately be tainted once you see the bulkiness that shoe in person today), but until then, SMLTalk list-iscized the 10 best moments in Accel history.

#TRENDWATCH2017 = Natas spin kickflip outs. Wow.

Stuff that never gets old: Watching Javier Sarmiento skate MACBA.

Ice cream trucks? That’s what y’all are upset about now?

Quote of the Week:

billy quote

Count music, built my own lane of hip-hop…”

Snack & Destroy: Chief Drew Re-Edit

Unlike most Baker projects, Bake & Destroy video didn’t feature any great rap songs. (Though Terry Kennedy / Jeff Lenoce / Beagle / Theotis skate to a song by a disco icon that was also featured in Trading Places, making it by far the best #musicsupervision of 2012.) Yeah, this song has already been briefly used in Rob Gonyon’s 56k part, and there’s a video based out of North Carolina named after it, but we’re re-using it anyway.

There’s a 50% chance that Thrasher will delete this, but hopefully, they understand it comes with the territory when you release skate parts sans music. You can grab the whole video in the December 2012 issue. Skateboarding is so absurd right now that it’s not even worth “reviewing” the video.

Previously: Andrew Reynolds Baggy Girbauds Stay Gold Remix

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